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April 26, 2016 CBCC Conference Call

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Revision as of 02:19, 26 April 2016 by Suzannegw (talk | contribs)
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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair
. Max Walker x Mike Davis John Moehrke Security Co-Chair
x Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair Ken Salyards Lori Simon CBCC Interim Co-Chair
Diana Proud-Madruga SOA Co-Chair x Rick Grow . Harry Rhodes
Serafina Versaggi Ioana Singureanu Glen Marshall
Steve Eichner . Steve Daviss . Mike Lardiere
x Neelima Chennamaraja Lee Wise . [
Reed Gelzer . Marlowe Greenberg Chris Clark, WV
. Paul Knapp . Matt Peeling Brian Newton
William Kinsley Lisa Nelson . Amanda Nash
Russell McDonell Susan Litton David Bergman
. Linda Bailey-Woods Debbie Bucci Chirag Bhatt
Oliver Lawless Keith Boone Lori McNeil Tolley
. Mohammed Jafari Rob Horn Gary Dickinson
Beth Pumo M'Lynda Owens [

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Meeting Minutes from April 19, 2016 CBCC Conference Call
  2. (15 min) Ballot Reconciliation for CDA R2 Implementation Guide: Privacy Consent Directives R1 (PID 553)
  3. (10 min) Privacy & Security by Design/NOW Privacy Impact Assessment Cookbook update - Rick
  4. (01 min) HL7 V3: Healthcare (Security and Privacy) Access Control Catalog, R3 (PI ID: 1157) - Update post ballot
  5. (05 min) PASS Access Control Services Conceptual Model - (Standing agenda item) update (Diana)
  6. (05 min) Joint EHR, Security, Privacy Vocabulary Alignment - (Standing agenda item) update (Diana/Mike)

Meeting Minutes (DRAFT)

Agenda Approved

Meeting minutes for April 19, 2016 CBCC Conference Call

Approved: 0 / Abstain: 0 / Objections: 0

CDA R2 Implementation Guide: Privacy Consent Directives R1 - Update e-mail from Ioana None of the negative votes have withdrawn their negative based on my (Ioana) request. Please send another request on behalf of the co-chairs. We are proceeding with completion of the model based on the approved comments.

If we don't hear back from the negative votes, we should proceed with the request to publish and let the TSC figure this out.

HL7 V3: Healthcare (Security and Privacy) Access Control Catalog, R3 Suzanne is working with the DoD POC (Nancy Orvis, Dave Wilderman) on contacting the remaining negative voter for this ballot. An e-mail withdrawing a negative vote was received from Ollie Gray on 4/25/201 and forwarded to Lynn Laakso for assistance (Ollie Gray account was inactivated)

One remaining DoD vote is outstanding: Wei Guo

Per Lynn Laakso: If the voters cannot email me their verbal request to withdraw their votes, <CBCC> will need to request a recirculation ballot.