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March 01, 2016 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair x Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair
. Max Walker x Mike Davis x John Moehrke Security Co-Chair
x Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair Ken Salyards CBCC Interim Co-Chair Lori Simon CBCC Interim Co-Chair
x Diana Proud-Madruga SOA Interim Co-Chair x Rick Grow . Harry Rhodes
x Serafina Versaggi Ioana Singureanu x Glen Marshall
Steve Eichner . Steve Daviss . Wende Baker
x Neelima Chennamaraja Lee Wise . Mike Lardiere
Reed Gelzer . Marlowe Greenberg Chris Clark, WV
. Paul Knapp . Matt Peeling Brian Newton
. William Kinsley Lisa Nelson . Amanda Nash
x Russell McDonell Susan Litton David Bergman
. Linda Bailey-Woods Debbie Bucci Chirag Bhatt
Oliver Lawless Keith Boone Lori McNeil Tolley
. Mohammed Jafari Rob Horn Gary Dickinson
Beth Pumo Ann Cavoukian Dawn Jutla

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Meeting Minutes from February 23, 2016 CBCC Conference Call
  2. (30 min) Ballot Reconciliation for Consent Directive
  3. (10 min) Healthcare Privacy and Security by Design IG
  • New project. Draft PSS available here
  • CBCC currently listed as sponsor of the project. Architecture Board WG voted to sign on as a co-sponsor.
  • A major part of this project would be to develop a SAIF-compliant IG that would operationalize and test any HL7 standard's conformance with the SAIF Canonical Definition (CD). SAIF Executive Summary and Implementation Guide components
    • The Architecture Board WG published the SAIF CD in 2014 and are the SMEs on SAIF.
  • Another part of this IG would include requirements that ensure Privacy and Security by Design principles are built into HL7 standards.
  • Question for CBCC: "Who are possible CBCC participants that would like to team with the Architecture Board to work on this project?"
  1. (05 min) CBCC co-sponsorship of HL7 v.2.9 v2.5 and v2.9 Consent Segment Use Cases and Elements
  2. (05 min) Behavioral Health Domain Analysis Model (HL7 BH DAM) Ballot Update
  3. (05 min) Healthcare Security and Privacy Access Control Catalog - Update post ballot
  4. (05 min) PASS Access Control Services Conceptual Model - (Standing agenda item) update (Diana)
  5. (05 min) Joint EHR, Security, Privacy Vocabulary Alignment - (Standing agenda item) update (Diana/Mike)
FHIR Security Topics  in support of FHIM
Meeting Information:  Tuesdays 2:00PM PT/5:00PM ET
Phone: +1 770-657-9270, Participant Code: 994563 hosted by Security
Web meeting Info:  
Discussion includes: Security - Audit, Provenance, Labels, Signature
**New Day Time!!** 
FHIR Consent Profile (FHIR Privacy IG)  FRIDAY 10AM PT / 12NOON ET hosted by CBCC
GoToMeeting information: 
Phone: +1 770-657-9270, Participant Code: 994563 

Meeting Minutes (DRAFT)

Approve Meeting Minutes from February 23, 2016 CBCC Conference Call

The minutes from the February 23 call were approved (Approval: 10; Objections: 0; Abstentions: 1 - Russell McDonnell)

Ballot Reconciliation for Consent Directive

Postponed until next week. Ioana is at HIMSS this week.

Healthcare Privacy and Security by Design IG

  • Rick informed us that a draft PSS has been produced. CBCC is listed as the sponsor. The Architecture Board WG (ARB) voted last week to sign on as a co-sponsor. Security is another co-sponsor.
  • Rick discussed the scope section of this draft PSS.
  • ARB expressed interest in forming a joint project team to start work on the project. Rick asked CBCC if there are willing participants to team with ARB and start the work.
    • Much of this work is architecturally-focused (based on the SAIF, or Services-Aware Interoperability Framework, Canonical Definition, but a component of this work would specify Privacy/Security by Design requirements.
    • Rick is seeking a CBCC member with an architectural background/viewpoint to join the project team.
      • Jim Kretz mentioned Ken Salyards and Ioana as possibilities. Neither Ken nor Ioana were able to join today's call.
  • CBCC members asked Rick to clarify the following parts of the PSS:
  1. "Normative" is currently checked off. Shouldn't it instead be an "Informative" document given that it's an IG?
  2. "Logical Model" is currently checked off as a product. Is this really the expected product, or is there a more appropriate product?
  • Action item for Rick - speak with the ARB WG and clarify the above items in the PSS.

CBCC co-sponsorship of HL7 v.2.9

  • Kathleen informed us that an issue has arisen in recent weeks regarding discussions on changing vocabulary in the consent segment of HL7 V2 (HL7 V2 CON-11 Consent Status vocabulary).
    • Key question: "Which WG should be handling v2 Consent vocabulary questions?"
    • Background from Kathleen: When the v.3 Medical Records WG folded, as I recall, Structured Docs got the Medical Records portion of that WG's scope and CBCC, which sponsored work on the v.3 Consent Directive in v.3 Medical Records Domain, got the Consent Directive portion of that work. So as far as I know, that included the v.2 Chapt. 9 Consent Segment as well.

Since only CBCC WG, oftentimes in collaboration with Security WG, has done any work in this area, and has progressed this work in both the CDA and FHIR Consent Directive, there should be no question about HL7 Consent specs being in CBCC’s scope.

If there continue to be questions, I think these should be taken up by the Standards Governance Board and/or the TSC ASAP.

  • CBCC PASSED the following motion (Kathleen/Glen):

"CBCC will request co-sponsorship of the consent segment of the V2.9 messaging standard."

  • Approval: 10; Objections: 0; Abstentions: 0

Behavioral Health Domain Analysis Model (HL7 BH DAM) Ballot Update

  • Publication request was submitted to HL7. No further updates. Remove from agenda going forward.