February 02, 2016 CBCC Conference Call
Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting
Meeting Information
Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | ||||
x | Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair | x | Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair | x | Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair | |||
. | Max Walker CBCC Co-Chair | x | Mike Davis Security Co-Chair | John Moehrke Security Co-Chair | ||||
x | Kathleen Connor | Ken Salyards CBCC Interim Co-Chair | Lori Simon CBCC Interim Co-Chair | |||||
x | Diana Proud-Madruga SOA Interim Co-Chair | x | Rick Grow | . | Harry Rhodes | |||
x | Serafina Versaggi | x | Ioana Singureanu | x | Glen Marshall | |||
x | Steve Eichner | . | Steve Daviss | . | Wende Baker | |||
x | Neelima Chennamaraja | Lee Wise | x | Mike Lardiere | ||||
Reed Gelzer | . | Marlowe Greenberg | Chris Clark, WV | |||||
. | Paul Knapp | . | Matt Peeling | Brian Newton | ||||
. | William Kinsley | Lisa Nelson | . | Amanda Nash | ||||
x | Russell McDonell | Susan Litton | David Bergman | |||||
. | Linda Bailey-Woods | Debbie Bucci | Chirag Bhatt | |||||
Oliver Lawless | Keith Boone | Lori McNeil Tolley | ||||||
. | Mohammed Jafari | Rob Horn | Gary Dickinson | |||||
Beth Pumo |
- (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Meeting Minutes from January 26, 2016 CBCC Conference Call
- (05 min) Behavioral Health Domain Analysis Model (HL7 BH DAM) Ballot Update
- (05 min) Healthcare Security and Privacy Access Control Catalog - Update post ballot
- (05 min) Data Provenance DPROV Update - (Standing Agenda Item) - Update
- (10 min) PASS Access Control Services Conceptual Model - (Standing agenda item) update (Diana)
- (10 min) Joint EHR, Security, Privacy Vocabulary Alignment - (Standing agenda item) update (Diana/Mike)
- (xx min) Privacy by Design Discussion
- Ballot Reconciliation for Consent Directive - pushed to next week (February 9 meeting)
**New** FHIR Security Topics in support of FHIM Meeting Information: Tuesdays 2:00PM PT/5:00PM ET Phone: +1 770-657-9270, Participant Code: 994563 hosted by Security Web meeting Info: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/520841173 Discussion includes: Security - Audit, Provenance, Labels, Signature
**New Day Time!!** FHIR Consent Profile (FHIR Privacy IG) FRIDAY 10AM PT / 12NOON ET hosted by CBCC GoToMeeting information: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/520841173 Phone: +1 770-657-9270, Participant Code: 994563
Meeting Minutes (DRAFT)
Approval of Meeting Minutes for January 26
Objections: none; Abstentions: 0 ; Approval: 7
BH DAM working with looking to the in relation to the privacy...? looking at issues putting the publication in front of a technical writer, once feedback reviewed will submit to HL7 publication all comment addressed, no substantive changes once
No update
No update
S&I reviewing the DPROV update, nothing new. but letting everyone know and talk through it for the audience to get a better understanding about what it is about.
PASS Access Control
In touch with Alex Mense, one comment needs clarification from Bernd, otherwise completed with reconciliation and updates to document
Joint EHR
meeting this AM
- presentation on the model created based on the provenance modeling
- definitions found for the Lifecycle values that are found in DICOM in anticipation of harmonization proposal for FHIR
- next step is continuing with the modeling and prep for the harmonization proposal for the definitions
- Kathleen has comments issues) with the codes, where the definitions come from RBAC but are already in data operations code systems. we may be able to get away for code systems for life cycles and having a value set for life cycles to pull in the data operations.
- ISO, vocab WG guidance needed
Privacy by Design Discussion
OASIS PbD committee attendance - edition and updating their specification
- high level PbD principals to prescribe...
- the spec allows once to do is effect privacy, minimizing risk
- any interest in leveraging the guidance and requirements
- focus on privacy
- ongoing projects (?), current projects which may benefit to provide feedback/input to leverage the work already done in the spec
- we've spoken about this in the Security WG; the standards governance board (Pat VanDyke) and they were supportive. with the ARB to build a SAIF IG, leveraging the PbD spec. so that we get further
- we have a green light to do this
- we need zHL7...
- progress to assist groups i.e. FHIR with a test script to be part of the quality requirements that they pass the test script so that they are actually implementing privacy in FHIR
it's a matter of how we want to move forward. security or CBCC to lead with ARB as supporting WG
- reach out to ARB (POC?) to make sure we have buy in with our PSS
- divide work with CBCC doing overarching guidance, security working on test scripts and operationalizing it piece/risk assessment (divide the work)
what distinguished PbD from other approaches of privacy.
- more in the software engineering realm of privacy where software engineering are... with respect to... what they produce confirms with privacy protecting high level principals that are out there. framework for privacy, internationally approved and accepted. further detail into the software engineering portion that makes the documentation confirm w privacy principals (Seven high level principals); in developing area; framework has been approved internationally.
- documentation from a high level perspective (Rick will post)
- UMA and HEART in Kantara did a privacy by design analysis
- definitely move forward with the PbD work, natural tie in with the work that security is already working on
- recommend co-sponsorship
PSS to be started by Rick and Suzanne
ask OASIS of PbD to give us information, give us a direction on where they’re going with the spec. what are they doing in OASIS; have them attend our CBCC meeting (Chair Anne Kabukian sp?)
is the goal of the PSS to create a healthcare profile of the oasis work?
- the okay we would create a SAIF-compliant is a healthcare related, w security by design... for those who claim conformance...and operationalize
Meeting adjourned at 12:36 AZT