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Patient Care January 2016 WGM Orlando, Jan 10 to Jan 15

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Orlando, WGM - January 2016 Patient Care WG Meeting Approved agenda:

Orlando WGM - January 2016. Patient Care WG Meeting Meeting Minutes

  • Sunday, January 10 - International Council Meeting
- No PCWG meeting

Patient Care WGM, Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday Q1

Attendees Jay Lyle, Russ Leftwich, Elaine Ayres, Emma Jones, Michelle Miller, David Pyke, Larry McKnight, Michael Tan

Agenda check

Approval of prior minutes (Atlanta)
David/Emma: 0 -2 abstain – 4 approved

Week's agenda Approval for Elaine to be a co-chair designee for the week. Michelle/Emma: 0-0-7

Anesthesia wants to meet.
Stephen suggested to Anesthesia already, but they may only be here Mon/Tues. Suggested times:

  • Monday Q3 (same time as workflow)
  • Tues Q5

SDC wants to discuss Health Concern (and PC wants to discuss goals with ONC) SDC can’t attend existing session. Jay will reach out to SDC with options:

  • Wed Q2 (Emma, Elaine could attend)
  • Wed Q3 (Genomics declined, so FHIR topics such as Questionnaire/QuestionnaireResponse, Clinical Impression)
  • Thurs Q1 check with OO to see if PC needs to attend

Elections Please vote!

Workgroup Health Good job! Keep an eye on

  • Decision making processes
  • SWOT
  • Charter
  • Harmonization - Rob H. was designee
  • 3 year plan – list of projects that are in the register (some are active, proposed, linger); review and see if any can be closed out;

3 yr planning Jay will own cleaning up this week. Send Dave Hamill an email.

  • Detailed Clinical Models Release 1 (320) - not an open project, just needs to be recirculated
  • Care Provision: Assessment Scales Topic (664)– never got published, ask William about that
  • HL7 Care Coordination Service (CCS) (924) – ready for publication; Laura will clean up and submit it for publishing; publish for HL7 members only for 90 days before publish to the public
  • Care Plan Initiative (932) – DAM not published; take all story boards, except one, and move them to the appendix; Laura owns that action item
  • V3 Allergy and Intolerance Clinical Models (1004) – published and available for comments; project is done; close project
  • Care Plan Clinical Models (1085) – check with Laura to see if it can be closed
  • PCWG Develop FHIR resources and profiles for the second DSTU release.

New projects None

FHIR Update from Sunday’s Q4 meeting

  • Maturity Review - what to ballot when (2.1 in May 3 in Sept?) – need work groups to look at resources and find out which resources are projected to have which maturity levels by next release; FHIR health –DSTU comments – check that the changes were made; any outstanding issues?
    • Need clarification in FHIR maturity model to know if there is production use (instead of production systems) and/or what constitutes a connectathon
  • Naming – FHIR could be dropping DSTU label because it isn’t part of ANSI’s process; FHIR is thinking about calling it informally a “working” standard, but Patient Care’s concern is credibility about losing the “draft standard” label. The maturity levels are per resource, not for the entire standard.
    • David will own drafting Patient Care’s statement/response back to FHIR
  • Error list in FHIR build – confirm with Lloyd that he is fixing any errors on Patient Care’s error report

Adjourn 1/11/2016 at 10:33am Eastern

Monday Q2

  • Plenary Session
- No PCWG meeting

Patient Care Monday Q3

No Patient Care hosted meeting; Patient Care attending FHIR Infrastructure - Workflow meeting

Patient Care Monday Q4

No Patient Care hosted meeting; Patient Care attending FHIR Infrastructure - Workflow meeting

Patient Care Monday Q5: Placeholder for extra meeting if necessary



Patient Care WGM, Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Patient Care Tuesday Q1


Minutes: Overview of CIMI provided by Stan Huff

Patient Care Tuesday Q2



Patient Care Tuesday Q3



Patient Care Tuesday Q4



Patient Care WGM, Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Patient Care Wednesday Q1



Patient Care Wednesday Q2



Patient Care Wednesday Q3



Patient Care Wednesday Q4



Patient Care WGM, Thursday, January 14, 2016

Patient Care Thursday Q1



Patient Care Thursday Q2 (PCWG, SDWG, Template Joint meeting)



Patient Care Thursday Q3



Patient Care Thursday Q4



Patient Care WGM, Friday, January 15, 2016

Patient Care Friday Q0: PCWG Co-Chairs meeting

NOTE: co-chairs to determine whether this will be moved to Thursday Q-Lunch



Patient Care Friday Q1

(1) Template WG meeting

- PCWG representative(s) to attend

(2) Agenda: open

- Possible: Clinical Connectathon



Patient Care Friday Q2

Agenda: open

Possible: Clinical Connectathon



Patient Care Friday Q3

Agenda: open

Possible: Clinical Connectathon



Patient Care Friday Q4


No Clinician-on-FHIR session (to be concluded Friday Q3)

PCWG will meet if there are topics of interest

