Feb 14th, Templates Minutes
GG distributed an updated version of the templates spec
GG motioned that we accept the changes to section 1.4 as written in response to various comments. MS seconded. 3/0/0
Regarding ballot line number 2, GG motioned that we accept as Persuasive with Mod, with the following rationale: "The problem here is that "interoperability contract" was a badly chosen term. As agreed in committee, I have changed it to "interoperability Paradigm" and beefed up the clarification to clarify why paradigms matter in the template specification" MS seconded. 3/0/0
Regarding ballot line number 3, GG motioned that the issue raised is not related, as it was based on a misunderstanding of the concept being proposed, thus, the section will be re-written to be more clear. MS seconded.