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December 15, 2015 CBCC Conference Call
Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting
Meeting Information
Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | ||||
x | Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair | x | Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair | x | Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair | |||
. | Max Walker CBCC Co-Chair | x | Mike Davis Security Co-Chair | . | John Moehrke Security Co-Chair | |||
x | Kathleen Connor | Ken Salyards CBCC Interim Co-Chair | Lori Simon CBCC Interim Co-Chair | |||||
x | Diana Proud-Madruga SOA Interim Co-Chair | x | Rick Grow | . | Harry Rhodes | |||
Serafina Versaggi | x | Ioana Singureanu | . | Glen Marshall | ||||
. | Steve Eichner | . | Steve Daviss | . | Wende Baker | |||
x | Neelima Chennamaraja | . | Lee Wise | . | Mike Lardiere | |||
Reed Gelzer | . | Marlowe Greenberg | Chris Clark, WV | |||||
. | Paul Knapp | . | Matt Peeling | Brian Newton | ||||
. | William Kinsley | Lisa Nelson | . | Amanda Nash | ||||
Russell McDonell | Susan Litton | David Bergman | ||||||
. | Linda Bailey-Woods | Debbie Bucci | Chirag Bhatt | |||||
Oliver Lawless | Keith Boone | Lori McNeil Tolley | ||||||
. | Mohammed Jafari | x | Rob Horn | Gary Dickinson |
- (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Meeting Minutes from December 08, 2015 CBCC Conference Call
- (15 min) Behavioral Health Domain Analysis Model (HL7 BH DAM) Ballot Reconciliation
- (05 min) Healthcare Security and Privacy Access Control Catalog -
- (05 min) Data Provenance DPROV Update - (Standing Agenda Item) - Update
- (10 min) PASS Access Control Services Conceptual Model - (Standing agenda item) update (Diana)
- (10 min) Joint EHR, Security, Privacy Vocabulary Alignment - (Standing agenda item) update (Diana/Mike)
- CBCC WG Teleconferences for the remainder of 2015, beginning of 2016 - December 22,29, January 5
- (10 min) Upcoming January WGM 2016 - Orlando, Florida - Meeting Agenda Items
**New** FHIR Security Topics in support of FHIM Meeting Information: Tuesdays 2:00PM PT/5:00PM ET Phone: +1 770-657-9270, Participant Code: 994563 hosted by Security Web meeting Info: Discussion includes: Security - Audit, Provenance, Labels, Signature
**New** Wednesday Consent on FHIR Topics ' 3:00PM PT/6:00 PM ET hosted by CBCC GoToMeeting information: Phone: +1 770-657-9270, Participant Code: 994563
Meeting Minutes (DRAFT)
Approval of Meeting Minutes for December 8
Objection: none; Abstentions: none; Approved: 7
- proceeding forward with publication, continuing to address the comment resolutions being added to document
- two outstanding organizational negatives (one person has retired, the other is no longer with the company)
- HL7 is expecting people who have left the organization to withdraw their negatives for the organization when they will no longer have access to their HL7 organizational account to withdraw the vote
- propose a resolution to HL7 process/procedures to resolve the zombie negative (possibly give organization the ability to withdraw for the person)
- add annotation for publication (there is no room on the form to explain the remaining negative comments)
- can this information be added in the information portion of the document?
- one mechanism is to do a recirculation ballot
ACTION: to write something up to the TSC on issue (Process Improvement Committee and Steering Division)
Healthcare Security and Privacy Access Control Catalog'
- No update. No votes have been received. Voting on the ballot will continue through Monday, January 4.
DPROV Update
- No update. HL7 has not yet responded to the request for publication.
PASS Access Control Services Conceptual Model
- Diana followed up with Vannak Kaan on her request for VA to withdraw its negative vote.
- Hope to address Alex's comments in today's Security meeting.
Joint EHR, Security, Privacy Vocabulary Alignment
- Progress continuing; group came to agreement on the change to the model of Originate
- Documents are being posted to HL7 vocabulary alignment wiki site
Agenda Items for January 2016 WGM in Orlando
- (Ioana) reference-based MDMI reference semantic data (suggest for Monday Q3/Q4) - new project
mechanism for describing data - business data elements exchanges that are ambiguous
- value to CBCC - SMEs are versed in ... (keen interest)
- starting work, PSS
- replacing BH DAM reconciliation
- Tuesday (CBCC only, correct rooms)
- Q5....semantic metadata at 5:15 timeslot is already assigned to other groups
- Tuesday Q6 - FHIR-related mapping discussion?
- Tuesday Q3 - remove data provenance for final prob (w/Harry)
- Keep data provenance update, ONC initiative update
- Add Patient Choice project
- Privacy and security analysis...
- Keep eLTSS
- Add DAFF (?)
- Remove Tuesday Q4 eLTSS
- ADD ONC updates to Monday Q4 (instead of Tuesday)
- Tuesday: add FHIR consent directive work, resolution, create IG (w/Security...joint?)
- Add Wednesday Q3: Vocabulary Alignment EHR (hosting), Security
- Lack of U.S. representative at Montreal?
- BH DAM representation - for ballot in September - how we can use standards for BH standards?
- Work Group Health - non-compliant for items that we took care of in Atlanta
- Close the loop on this; from Ann e-mail (December 8)
- Suzanne to send items completed to Ann, cc Jim and John.
- Consent on FHIR on for 12/16, NO meeting on 12/23
- FHIR Security: on for 12/15, on for 12/22, NO on 12/29 (tentative schedule); finalize in Security
Adjourn (Jim/Ioana) Meeting adjourned at 1249 AZT --Suzannegw (talk) 14:49, 15 December 2015 (EST)