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CTS2 was designed from the ground up using Resource Oriented Architecture (ROA). The resulting specification consists of a set of XML Schemas, one for each CTS2 resource

Schema Description Examples
CodeSystem.xsd A description of a Code System - who publishes it, what it is for, how it is created, who created it, etc.
CodeSystemVersion.xsd A description of a version of a Code System - its source document, modeling language, format, when it was released, what it is called, etc.
Entity.xsd The "lexical" characteristics of a class, concept, property, category, individual according to a specific code system version. Lexical characteristics include textual definitions, designations (labels), various forms of notes, etc.
Association.xsd The "formal" characteristics of a class, concept, property, category, individual according to a specific code system version. Associations represent the formal "non-annotation" properties of an entity.
ValueSet.xsd Describes a Value Set - who publishes it, what it is used for, how it is created, who created it, etc.
ValueSetDefinition.xsd Describes the definition of how a particular value set is constructed (e.g. "all descendents of class X except for the descendents of class Y", "all entities in the HL7 Administrative Gender code system", "the entities Cabernet, Zinfandel and Riesling from the wine ontology namespace, etc". Also includes a separate resource that describes the result of applying a particular definition to particular code system version(s)
Map.xsd - describes a Map A set of transformations between the contents of one value set or code system and another. Describes who publishes it, what it is intended to be used for, the source and target value set/codesystem, etc.
MapVersion.xsd A specific version of a map. Describes publication date, format, the specific value set definition and code system versions that were used as well as the actual map transformation rules themselves.
ConceptDomain.xsd describes a "data element concept" - a field on a form, a column in a data base, an element in a model - what it is intended to represent
ConceptDomainBinding.xsd an association between a Concept Domain and a Value Set in a specified context. May also include specific instructions about which value set definition and/or code system version is to be used.
Statement.xsd The description of the relationship between a CTS2 element or attribute and the corresponding source statement(s) from which it was derived.

All of the resources described above stand on their own - there are no direct dependencies between them. The relationships between the resources are represented as URI's. As an example, an entity description includes the URI of the code system (ontology) version that "contained" the description. If the containing service instance happens to also carry the description of the referenced ontology version, it may include an href to that description, but this is often not the case.

CTS2 includes a Platform Specific Model (PSM) describing how CTS2 can be implemented in a REST environment.

The REST signatures are described by the CTS2 WADL

The signatures may also be visualized by an HTML rendering.