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HL7 FHIR Security 2015-11-10

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Revision as of 21:50, 15 November 2015 by Kathleenconnor (talk | contribs)
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Back to HL7 FHIR security topics

November 10, 2015

Agenda and Minutes

  1. John updated the gForge items among the various parts
  2. Glen reviewed Security.html and security_lables.html page for improvement opportunities
    • Need to add a CP to cover discussion of security labels in light of discussion around change-tracking behavior allowed when the meta element is edited. Meaning there is allowance that meta can be revised without version change, yet some meta values changing need to be noticed.
    • Need to add a CP to cover current external work on Authentication, Authorization, and Consent -- Such as HEART. Today we only point at IUA and SMART. Need someone to offer specific new text with changes to existing text.
  3. John & Rob reviewed AuditEvent for improvement opportunities
    • Need recommendation on how to harmonize AuditEvent and Provenance.
      • John recommends that
        • the event element be flattened, putting all the sub-elements at the root of AuditEvent, similar to Provenance.
        • participant be renamed to 'agent' similar to Provenance
        • object be renamed to 'entity' similar to Provenance
        • event.purposeOfEvent be renamed to 'reason' similar to Provenance ??? Note I am not clear why Provenance has both reason and activity; would rather just see one element that supports all the vocabulary.
        • event.dateTime be renamed to 'recorded' similar to Provenance --- or should both be named 'now'?
        • object.lifecycle be renamed to 'role' similar to Provenance -- not really sure...
  4. Kathleen reviewed Provenance for improvement opportunities