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Conference call minutes 12 November 2015

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Health Concern Topic

Patient Care WG

November 12 2015


  • Michael Tan – Chair
  • David Pyke
  • Jay Lyle
  • Iona Thraen
  • Lisa Nelson
  • Larry McKnight

Participation Information Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 943377

Web Meeting Info Meeting number 249 522 346


  • Goal of this meeting is discuss the intent for ballot of Health Concerns
  • Lisa points out of the discussion at SDWG about problem concerns and health concerns
  • This discussion has to be resolved first before we can continue with Health Concern dam.
  • Motion from Jay to suspend the ballot of the HC DAM until May
  • Second David; Vote 5 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstain
  • Action item; Michael shall withdraw the NIB
  • Action item; harmonize Health Concern, Problem Concern topic with SDWG.
  • The reconciliation of the ballot spreadsheet has to be completed before Sunday
  • The various ballot comments were discussed. See spreadsheet.
  • Action item: Michael will complete the spreadsheet before Sunday.
  • Motion from Michael: to approve the dispositions provisionally. The spreadsheet will be submitted to the PCWG list and discussed in the next call. Second Jay.
  • Vote: 5 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstain.

Any Other Business

  • None

Action items

  • see above

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