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List of template registries
Below is a list of sites which contain (in one way or another) lists of templates, archetypes or other forms of small applied clinical models.
- openEHR archetypes It is hosted within an archetype (and soon template/termset) collaborative review tool which has full version control. Registration is free and open. "Feel free to have a look around. We are finding this to be a very useful tool which allows non-technical clinicians to review, discuss and adapt archetypes." -- Dr Ian McNicoll
- searchable openEHR archetypes Ocean Informatics openEHR archetypes
- NHS archetypes
- MIAS pages Contains some native EHRcom/13606 archetypes.
- IHE Technical Framework archetypes Lot of archetypes hidden in the documents linked to on this page
- CDA Section Templates - IHE Wiki
- Trim Browser
- WikiHITTolven templates
- HL7 Templates WG documents DCM top 10
- CCD Final Specs Continuity of Care Documents
- [1] William's HL7 models, later some were converted to archetypes and since the HL7 / ISO collaboration on TS 13972 these are in UML.
- [An ISO Technical Specification standard for DCM quality characteristics and processes has been published]
- Based on this TS 13972 several UML based Detailed Clinical Models have been created. At you can find about 100 in this format.
- ClinicalElement Repository of Stan Huff's clinical elements
- CCMManager Korea-based sites with clinical concepts
- Eenheid van Taal List of Dutch national detailed clinical models
- Official Site of Scottisch NHS
- DEED Ask Sam DEED page. Looks like archetypes, but what is this?
- DCMWiki Craig Parker's site
- VHIM US Department of Veteran affairs templates
- HCLS An OWL-based view of DCM's
- OpenVista OpenVista CIS templates
- Google Health Data API CCR Reference
- HealthVault Thing Types
Mailinglists that discuss this topic
- HL7 Patient Care
- DetailedClinicalModels
- HL7 Template Registry (to be renamed to Repository)
- Standards for detailed clinical models as the basis for medical data exchange and decision support
- Paper by Stan Huff for Intermountain Health
- Detailed clinical models for sharable, executable guidelines. Parker CG, Rocha RA, Campbell JR, Tu SW, Huff SM
- Brisbane workshop report
- Using detailed clinical models to bridge the gap between clinicians and HIT. Goossen WT. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2008;141:3-10. PMID: 18953119 (PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE) request via