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Project Page for Electronic Case Reporting

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Project Page for Electronic Case Reporting

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Project Information

Links to previous efforts / Background material

Link to project scope statement

PSS for Electronic Case Reporting

Name the project facilitators

  • Project facilitator (1 Mandatory) Maribeth Gagnon (CDC)
  • Other interested parties and their roles John Roberts (PHER co-chair, Tennessee Department of Health)
  • John Loonsk (Executive Sponsor, CGI Federal)
  • Multi-disciplinary project team (recommended)
 ** Modeling facilitator	Eric Haas (Contractor to APHL)
  ** Publishing facilitator	Jean Duteau
  ** Vocabulary facilitator	Riki Merrick (Contractor to APHL)
  **  Domain expert rep	Erin Holt Coyne (Tennessee Department of Health)
  **  Business requirement analyst	TBD
  **  Conformance facilitator (for IG projects)	TBD

Status and Timeline

PSS - Oct 18th Writing assignments are due 10/31 Goal to have a Final draft 11/17 last day for submission for Ballto Nove 28th?


  • Purpose – John Loonsk and John Roberts
  • Background -- John Loonsk and John Roberts
  • Scope -- John Loonsk and John Roberts
  • Future work -- John Roberts
  • Audience- MariBeth to pull existing information from PHRI
  • Approach (use case, actors, processes, data flows swim lanes diagrams, interaction diagrams, etc. -- Laura Conn and Shu McGarvey
  • List of templates generated from Trifolia/authoring tool -- Eric Haas
  • Appendices (templates, value sets)-- Eric Haas

Link to templates library

ART DECOR hosted Public Health Case Reporting project 

CSTE consensus derived Data Elements

Summary of DataElements mapped to CCDA templates.

Status: Draft

Status date: 20151018


Use Case summary descriptions

  • Use case diagrams created by Laura/Shu/Janet

eCR with a PH Intermediary system (e.g., PHCP)

eCR without a PH intermediary system (eiCR sent directly to PH)

  • Use case scenario from ASTHO

Inital eCR User Case Scenario

Issues/Hot Topics

List of issues

  • Triggers code - currently not in scope for IG but need to be discussed. ( should they be separated IG ?)
  • Direct reporting to PHA vs intermediate step to PHCP/RCKMS decision suppor- what is scope of IG
  • Using unconstrained (unchanged) CCDA section and entry templates for initial DSTU of message - will this create issue for PHAs if they information not relevant to CR?
  • Using a native FHIR resource alongside of SDC FHIR instead of V3 based CDA