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FHIR Agenda 201510 WGM

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This is a list of known FHIR-related sessions happening at the October 2015 Atlanta WGM.

This is the "official" list and is more up-to-date than the on-site guide, so please consider this your primary source for FHIR-related information. If you're aware of other FHIR-related activities happening or planned schedules change through-out the week, *please* update this list. Also, feel free to fill in more detailed agenda topics.

Note that some quarters are completely dedicated to FHIR. Others may only deal with FHIR for part of the session or briefly. Non-dedicated sessions (where known) are included in italics.

For those new to HL7, Quarters are as follows: Q0=breakfast, Q1=9-10:30, Q2=11:00-12:30, Q3=1:45-3:00, Q4=3:30-5, Q5=dinner time (5:15-7ish), Q6=after dinner until 8:30-9, Q7=late night discussions until everyone crashes

To keep this page easy to use, meetings on days that have already occurred are "commented out". (You can see them by editing or viewing history)

Most FHIR sessions are occurring as part of regular committee work, though some are FHIR-only ("Core"). You can find a list of #Work Group Abbreviations at the bottom. If you have questions, pop them on the Implementer's skype chat, the FHIR list or send an email to

Saturday October 3

Sat Q1-Q2

Atlanta 1/2/3 - Connectathon LM, EK, GG

Sat Lunch

??? - Connectathon participants

Sat Q3-Q4

Atlanta 1/2/3 - Connectathon LM, EK, GG

  • Solution development
  • ad-hoc testing & discussions

Conference Room 123 - Photoshoot for the FHIR 2016 calendar

Sunday October 4

Sun Q1

Atlanta 1/2/3 - Connectathon LM, EK, GG

  • Formal Testing

Sun Q2

Atlanta 1/2/3 - Connectathon EK

  • Reports and presentations, discussion

Sun Lunch


  • Lunch for Connectathon participants

???- FMG and FGB - LM, EK, GG, JM

  • ballot results and prioritization
  • hot topics & objectives for the week
  • meeting w/ product line architecture

Sun Q3

Georgia 2 - AID - EK

??? - MnM - LM, GG

  • Planning the week, hot topics

Sun Q4

Georgia 2 - AID

  • FHIR implementation best practices session (continued from Q3), Detailed agenda

??? - Planning session (co-chairs & facilitators only) - EK, LM, GG

  • FHIR ballot reconciliation process
  • QA rules for publication
  • Hot topics

Sun Q5

??? - TSC - LM, GG

  • FHIR Update, FHIR ballot process, other topics

Monday October 5

Mon Q0

7am ???

  • First Time Attendees
    • Not strictly FHIR, but may be useful to WGM virgins

7am ??? FGB - LM, EK, GG, JM?

  • General governance precepts
  • Ballot-related governance issues?

Mon Q1-Q2


Mon Lunch

??? - FMG - LM, EK, JM, GG?

  • FMG ballot items
  • WG liaison objectives
  • Hot topics

Mon Q3

??? - Tutorial - DH?

  • Introduction to HL7 FHIR

??? - OO - GG

  • FHIR Reconciliation

??? - MnM - LM

  • FHIR Methodology & Data Types Reconciliation

??? - AID - EK

  • presentation on IHE connectathon tooling

??? - FHIR Core - JM

  • Ballot reconciliation

??? - CGIT

  • Overview of current work - including FHIR

??? - Pharmacy

  • Overview of current work - including FHIR

??? - SOA

  • Case Study Forum - Phast STS – Building RESTful access to FHIR Value Set resources over a SOAP implementation of HL7 CTS2 SFM operations
  • SOA Case Study Forum Agenda

Mon Q4

Grand Apogee 3/5 - Summit

  • v3, FHIR and the Saudi Health insurance Bus

Saturne 1 & 2 - Tutorial - DH?

  • Introduction to HL7 FHIR

Dean's Office - ITS - LM, GG


Apogee 1 - FHIR Core - JM

  • Ballot reconciliation

Guest Room 2231 - PHER - EK

  • FHIR ballot reconciliation
  • Immunization as a profile

Guest Room 2431 - CGIT

  • Overview of current work - including FHIR

Labo 05 - OO

  • FHIR Reconciliation

Guest Room 2230 - Pharmacy

  • Review outstanding FHIR GForge tracker items

Apogee 1 - SOA

  • Case Study Forum - Case Study: Establishing a Directory of Human and Health Services Across Australia

Mon Q5

Boat - Reception

  • Feel free to talk FHIR amongst excellent food, beautiful views, good wine, etc.

Tuesday May 12

Tue Q0

Lloyd booked

Tue Q1

Grand Apogee 3/5 Summit Panel

  • FHIR and the Future of Healthcare - EK

Guest Room 2331 - PA, FHIR - GG

  • Coordination w/ FHIR core team

Labo 03 - PC, EC, FHIR - JM

  • topics and ballot reconciliation

Labo 02 - ITS, SOA - LM

  • Joint with SOA (ITS and FHIR, ONC SDC operation)

Tue Q2

Apogee 1 - Pharmacy - LM

  • Ballot reconciliation

Labo 5 - ClinGen - GG

  • Ballot reconciliation - Genetics profile, Family Member History

Guest Room 2231 - FHIR Core - JM, EK

  • Ballot reconciliation

Apogee 7 - Devices/IHE 11173

  • Project overview - including FHIR

Labo 03 - OO, PHER, RCRIM

  • FHIR resources Device / Supply / Substance
  • FHIR Reconciliation

Guest Room 2331 - PA

  • Ballot reconciliation

Labo 01 - Security

  • Privacy on FHIR, ONC Pilot - Jonathan Coleman

Tue Lunch

Apogee Foyer (nearest screen) - Core team

  • Gazelle use

Tue Q3

Saturne 1 & 2 - Tutorial - JD

  • FHIR for Architects

Guest Room 2431 - FHIR Core - EK, GG?, JM

  • Ballot comments, change requests

Guest Room 2331 - PA - LM

  • FHIR ballot reconciliation
    • Inferring human based on absence of animal

Apogee 1 - CG

  • FHIR preparation and ballot reconciliation

Labo 05 - OO - GG?

  • FHIR Reconciliation - Order/Order Response

Guest Room 2230 - Pharmacy

  • Pharmacy FHIR Work as needed from reconciliation

Labo 01 - Security

  • Work on FHIR DSTU2 ballot (Change Proposals)

Tue Q4

Saturne 1 & 2 - Tutorial - JD

  • FHIR for Architects

Oxygene - InM, ITS - EK

  • Ballot Reconciliation

Administration Office - PC, Emergency Care - LM

  • Topics and ballot reconciliation
  • GFORGE #5546 - Condition vs. Concern (need health concern team) and GFORGE #5826 Family member history "no history of …"

Labo 02 - SD - GG

  • CDA on FHIR
  • CCDA on FHIR
  • Ballot Reconciliation

Apogee 1 - CG, FHIR - JM

  • FHIR and family history
  • FHIR and genomics

Guest Room 2330 - SOA, CDS

  • Decision support services, including FHIR

Oxygene - ITS, InM, FHIR

  • Message-related FHIR ballot reconciliation
  • Strategy for migrating OIDs to/from URI (FHIR system URI) [#8086]

Labo 05 - OO

  • FHIR Reconciliation

Guest Room 2331 - PA

  • Ballot reconciliation

Labo 12 - PHER, Pharmacy

  • FHIR ballot reconciliation
  • Immunization as a profile

Guest Room 2330 - SOA

  • FHIR Planning

Tue Q5

Grand Apogee 3/5 - Co-chairs dinner - LM, GG, EK, JM

Tue Q6

Labo 02 - Foundation & Technology Steering Division - LM

  • New FHIR Infrastructure WG

Bar 20:00

  • Java API users discussion JM, GG
  • .NET API users discussion EK

Wednesday May 13

Wed Q1

Saturne 1 & 2 - Tutorial - MR

  • FHIR Profiling

Apogee 4 - SOA - EK

  • FHIRstarters and FHIR DSTU Services
  • Reconciliation

Labo 03 - EHR, Security, CBCC - JM

  • Update on FHIR Lifecycle events

Labo 12 - MnM, Vocab, FHIR - LM, GG

  • Vocab FHIR ballot reconciliation

Apogee 2 - SD, CQI, CDS

  • FHIR Profile: Quality Release 1 ballot reconciliation

Apogee 1 - ITS

  • FHIR Ballot Reconciliation

Wed Q2

Saturne 1 & 2 - Tutorial - MR

  • FHIR Profiling

Labo 12 - MnM, Voc - LM

  • Value Set & Namespace and Concept Map change proposals
  • Other vocab FHIR issues

Apogee 4 - ITS, FHIR - GG

  • FHIR Ballot reconciliation

Apogee 6 - FHIR Core - JM

  • Ballot reconciliation

Oxygene - CDS

  • reconciling FHIR Quality profiles.

Labo 11' - MH

  • FHIRframe project

Apogee 2 - OO, BRIDG, II, CG

  • FHIR Specimen Resource / body site

Guest Room 2331 - PA, PC rep

  • PA Resources

Eclipse - SD

  • Ballot Reconciliation

Guest Room 2330 - SOA

  • Reconciliation

Wed Lunch

Apogee 4 PC - LM, GG, EK, JM

  • Clinical Connectathon Prep

Wed Q3

Saturne 1 & 2 - Tutorial - RS

  • Introduction to FHIR for Developers

Apogee 4 - CGIT & Templates - EK

  • Ballot reconciliation (StructureDefinition, Conformance, etc.)

Labo 11 - FM - GG

  • Ballot reconciliation

Apogee 2 - PC, EC, OO, CDS - LM

  • Ballot reconciliation

Labo 01 - Security, CBCC - JM

  • Discuss security concerns around GET requests
  • Discuss FHIR Consent Directive work for DSTU R2
  • Discuss updates of Contract and Consent Directive Profile since FHIR Informative Ballot
  • FHIR Contract Resource and FHIR Consent Directive profile (aka conformance package)" Jan. 12, 2015 New Continuous Build for Mau 2015 DSTU
  • Consent Directive Questionnaire/QuestionnaireAnwers profile Work Session

Oxygene - CDS

  • CQF ballot reconciliation -- CQF-based HQMF

Labo 05 - II

  • FHIR DSTU2 Comments

Guest Room 2430 - OO

  • FHIR Reconciliation

Guest Room 2331 - PA

  • Ballot reconciliation

Guest Room 2330 - SOA

  • Review of FHIR activities and potential areas where SOA can engage


MnM co-chair meeting

Wed Q4

Saturne 1 & 2 - Tutorial - RS

  • Introduction to FHIR for Developers

Apogee 4 - CGIT - EK

  • Ballot reconciliation (StructureDefinition, Conformance, etc.)

Labo 11 - FM - GG

  • Ballot reconciliation - financial resources

Eclypse - FHIR Core - JM

  • Ballot reconciliation

Labo 01 - Security - LM

  • Consent Directive
  • Consent on FHIR
  • FHIR Change Proposals beyond the above

Oxygene - CDS, CQI

  • Future directions for CDS-CQI joint work. CQF ballot reconciliation. International participation solicitation.

Labo 05 - II

  • FHIR DSTU2 Comments

Apogee 7 - Devices/IHE 11173, mHealth

  • X73 + FHIR & mHealth

Guest Room 2331 - PA

  • Ballot reconciliation

Guest Room 2230 - Pharmacy

  • Pharmacy FHIR Work

Wed Q5

Labo 03 - Birds of a feather

  • HL7 FHIR Resources Articulated with the HL7 CTS2 Functional Model

Labo 02 - Birds of a feather

  • Model-driven mapping and implementation of C-CDA and FHIR-based exchanges

Wed Q6

Apogee 2 - AID, EST & FHIR??

  • Tooling presentations - some may be FHIR-related

Thursday May 14

Thur Q0

Apogee 1 - 7am - ad hoc

  • Discussion of asynchronous messaging, queries and parameters

Thur Q1

Labo 12 - MnM - LM

  • FHIR Methodology & ballot reconciliation

Labo 01 - Security/CBCC - GG

  • Ballot reconciliation
  • Consent

Apogee 7 - Devices - EK

  • Review DSTU2 Resources
  • Discuss mACM effort in IHE ITI
  • Plan for prototyping and Connectathon

Apogee 6 - SOA, ITS - JM

  • Worksession: SOA within FHIR

Oxygene - CDS, CQI

  • CQF ballot reconciliation

Labo 02 - II, SD

  • FHIR on CDA

Thur Q2

Administration Office - OO, FHIR - JM

  • FHIR reconciliation

Oxygene - CDS, CQI - LM

  • FHIR-CQF discussions
  • Future work planning, including Project Scope Statements and Notices of Intent to Ballot.

Labo 05 - II/DICOM - EK

  • FHIR Ballot Discussion
  • FHIR DSTU2 Comments
  • FHIR Resources for Imaging

Labo 01 - Security, CBCC, FHIR - GG

  • FHIR Consent Resource / Profile / Questionnaire Work Session

Labo 02 - PC, SD, Templates



Thur Q3

Oxygene - CDS, CQI - LM

  • FHIR-CQF discussions, including potential use of FHIR for more than a patient data model - e.g. HQMF replacement, HeD replacement, DSS replacement

Labo 02 - SD - GG

  • Ballot reconciliation

Apogee 1 - FHIR Core - EK

  • Ballot reconciliation

Apogee 7 - HSI - JM

  • IHE-related FHIR ballot issues
  • FHIR Profiles?

Labo 05 - II/DICOM

  • FHIR/DICOM WG27 Topics

Guest Room 2331 - PA

  • FHIR Planning

Thur Q4

Administration Office - FMG+FGB - LM, EK, JM, GG

  • Decision on ballot timeline

Labo 12 - OO, CIC

  • FHIR

Guest Room 2331 - PA

  • FHIR Planning

Thur Q5-Q6

Apogee 4 - MnM, Vocab - LM, GG, JM?, EK?

  • Facilitator's Roundtable

Apogee 4 - LM, GG, EK, etc.

  • Post roundtable: discussion on Forge requirements for migration by HL7

Friday May 15

Fri Q0

Lloyd booked

Fri Q1-Q4

Labo 03 - Clinicians Connectathon (invitation only) - LM, EK, JM, GG

  • Orientation and data entry

Fri Q3

Labo 03 - Clinicians Connectathon (invitation only) - LM, EK, JM, GG

  • data entry & discussion

hotel Concorde Montparnasse - Pharmacy, IHE Pharmacy, ISO TC215 WG 6

  • Workshop FHIR prescription & dispense (IHE)

Fri Q4

Labo 03 - Clinicians Connectathon (invitation only) - LM, EK, JM, GG

  • review, planning

hotel Concorde Montparnasse - Pharmacy, IHE Pharmacy, ISO TC215 WG 6

  • Workshop FHIR requirements for supply (HL7/IHE)

Work Group Abbreviations

  • AID - Application Implementation & Design
  • CBCC - Community Based Collaborative Care
  • CDS - Clinical Decision Support
  • CIC - Clinical Interoperability Council
  • CG - Clinical Genomics
  • CH - Child Health
  • CQI - Clinical Quality Information
  • CGIT - Conformance & Guidance for Implementation/Testing
  • DEV - Devices
  • EHR - Electronic Health Records
  • EST - Electronic Services & TOoling
  • FGB - FHIR Governance Board
  • FM - Financial Management
  • FMG - FHIR Management Group
  • HSI - Healthcare Standards Integration
  • IHE - Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise
  • II - Imaging Integration
  • InM - Implementation & Messaging
  • ITS - Implementation Technology Services
  • MnM - Modeling & Methodology
  • MH - Mobile Health
  • OHT - Open Health Tools
  • OO - Orders & Observations
  • PA - Patient Administration
  • PC - Patient Care
  • PHER - Public Health, Emergency Response
  • Pharm - Pharmacy
  • SD - Structured Documents
  • Sec - Security
  • SOA - Service Oriented Architecture
  • Temp - Templates
  • Voc - Vocabulary