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September 08, 2015 Security WG Conference Call

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x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x Mike DavisSecurity Co-chair . Duane DeCouteau . Chris Clark
x John MoehrkeSecurity Co-chair Johnathan Coleman . Aaron Seib
x Alexander Mense Security Co-chair . Ken Salyards Christopher D Brown TX
. Trish WilliamsSecurity Co-chair . Gary Dickinson Dave Silver
x Kathleen Connor . Ioana Singureanu Mohammed Jafari
x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb Rob Horn . Galen Mulrooney
x Diana Proud-Madruga Ben Goodman William Kinsley
. Rick Grow Chethan Makoahalli x Glen Marshall, SRS
. Debbie Bucci x Bill Kleinebecker Chris Shawn
Oliver Lawless Rob Horn Serafina Versaggi

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Agenda DRAFT

  1. ( 5 min) Roll Call, Agenda Approval
  2. ( 5 min) Approve September 01 Meeting Minutes
  3. ( 5 min) PASS Access Control Conceptual Model (SOA) Update - Diana, Don Jorgenson, Mike, Dave
  4. ( 5 min) Joint Vocabulary Alignment Update - Diana
  5. ( 5 min) PSAF Update - Kathleen
  6. ( 5 min) FHIR Security Discussion
    • FHIR ProvenanceEvent Value Set - Kathleen

Meeting Minutes DRAFT

Meeting minutes for September 1 were unanimously approved (8 approve/ 0 object/ 0 abstain).

Joint Vocabulary Alignment update

  • a refinement on the current process was discussed
  • bottom line: (the refinement is based on an ISO document regarding vocabulary confusion)
    • filter of words is seen differently between people and thus discussion on definitions goes in circles as no agreement can be achieved.
    • there is consensus that terms may have multiple definitions
    • we are going to do a search for the best possible existing definitions that can be found in a reasonable amount of time and make it EHR specific
    • then talk about the properties for what happens in an EHR system when talking about each term
  • Kathleen will be forwarding a compilation glossary of terms and definitions she has accumulated to Diana to incorporate

FHIR ProvenanceEvent Value Set - Kathleen

Provenance vocabulary was not placed in the latest FHIR build

  • <<link to site>>

MOTION: Bring the currently listed FHIR AuditProvenance DRAFT forward to ballot in January as DSTU 2.1 (leave the current FHIR information list/ed as DRAFT AND confirm that the Security WG is informed when any changes or items are being left out.

Objections: 0, Abstentions: 0, Motion passes: 8