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2015-08-31 Rx Conf Call
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- Melva Peters (Chair)
FHIR Ballot Reconciliation (PRIORITY ITEM)
- Review outstanding Tracker Items - need vote to approve proposed action
- Michelle Miller inquired as to whether the timing and dosage examples were reviewed. Tom and John responded to her.
Action: John to follow-up with Michelle and copy Tom.
ARB Project
- Update from John 8/24 - the meeting focused on the creation of project specific deliverables including the creation of use cases, identifying the users of the project deliverables, tooling.
Status on 2 Unpublished ballots - Scott
- Update from Scott - Scott is not receiving responses to his emails. John will start the formal withdrawal process since no response has been received.
NCPDP Implementation Guidance - Ballot Reconciliation
Completed Action Item: Scott will post ballot reconciliation spreadsheet Completed Action item: Scott to send a note to Karen re: publication Update - Scott sending email 7/6, today Action: 8/17 update - email update from Scott - "I have all of the old ballot items in the works. Still pending negative withdrawals".
- Publication Request
File:HL7 Publication Request-Rx EHR Companion.docx
Next meeting
- September 7, 2015 - meeting canceled due to Labour Day holiday in US and Canada
- September 14, 2015