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June 16, 2015 CBCC Conference Call

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Revision as of 17:14, 23 June 2015 by Rgrow (talk | contribs) (→‎Meeting Minutes (DRAFT))
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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair x Mike Davis Security Co-Chair Max Walker CBCC Co-Chair
x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair x John Moehrke Security Co-Chair Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair
x Kathleen Connor Ken Salyards CBCC Interim Co-Chair Lori Simon CBCC Interim Co-Chair
x Diana Proud-Madruga x Rick Grow x Harry Rhodes
Serafina Versaggi Ioana Singureanu David Bergman
. Steve Eichner . Steve Daviss . Wende Baker
Reed Gelzer . Marlowe Greenberg . Chris Clark, WV
. Paul Knapp . Matt Peeling Brian Newton
Lisa Nelson Mike Lardiere . Amanda Nash
. Mohammed Jafari Oliver Lawless Keith Boone
Neelima Chennamaraja Susan Litton Sandra Huyck
. Chirag Bhatt Megan Munns Alane Combs
Linda Bailey-Woods Lee Wise x Lori McNeil Tolley

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Meeting Minutes from June 09, 2015 CBCC Conference Call
  2. (10 min) Priority message re: FHIR Consent Directive Policy profile - Kathleen
  3. (35 min) Patient Friendly Language for Consumer User Interfaces - (Standing Agenda Item) Update
    1. Link to: GForge/updated PFL Ballot reconciliation sheet
  4. (05 min) Ballot reconciliation: Data Provenance (Standing Agenda item)
  5. (15 min) Alignment with HL7 v3 CDA call2.pptx - Kathleen
  6. (05 min) Behavioral Health Domain Analysis Model (HL7 BH DAM) Update update - if any
  7. (05 min) Criminal Justice to Community Health Reentry Scenarios ? continued work/update - if any - Neelima, Ioana
  8. (05 min) HL7 May 2015 CBCC Working Group Meeting - Paris, France May 10-15, 2015 Please send desired items to Suzanne for inclusion to the upcoming Agenda
  9. (10 min) Action Item Review (if any)

Meeting Minutes (DRAFT)

Meeting minutes for June 09, 2015

  • The minutes for the June 09, 2015 meeting were unanimously approved.

PFL Ballot reconciliation link to GForge/Ballot reconciliation

  • Rick led a discussion on patient friendly translations/synonyms for several specialist terms.
  • Ioana said she would send Rick a list of substances of use/abuse/dependence that he can translate into patient friendly terms and then incorporate into the PFL IG's vocabulary mapping table.
  • On a separate note, Rick is awaiting feedback on the revised PFL IG that he emailed to the CBCC members, and plans to vote on approval of the revisions at the June 23 CBCC meeting.

Behavioral Health DAM - update

  • Ioana and Neelima are working to capture the requirements for the additional information on why a drug was discontinued (including the medical reason for why a drug was discontinued) that may be put in a status indicator. These requirements are being added to the BH DAM.

Meeting adjourned at 1200 PDT