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NurseGroup:201501 minutes
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Minutes HL7 Nurse Group January 20 2015, HL7 WGM in San Antonio
- Pat welcomes everyone to the Nurse Group meeting during the HL7 WGM in San Antonio. We had an introduction round.
- The only item on the agenda this meeting will be the showcase connectathon during the Nursing Informatics conference June 2016, NI2016. See for more information about the conference
Summary of what is done so far
- William summarized the activities that is be done during the view conference calls we had with different people.
- A Project Scope Stament, PSS, was created, reviewed and adjusted. Feedback is still welcome. Action: William will create a new version of the PSS.
- The PSS is approved in the HL7 Patient Care WG, the Clinical Interoperability Council, CIC, and the Domain Experts Steering Division, DESD and will go through the formal HL7 process now.
- Also IHE, HIMSS, IMIA-NI, ICN and Snomed CT International (before the IHTSDO) agreed on being formal partners/sponsors.
- The showcase will be a volunteer event.
Project Scope Statement (PSS)
- William created a PSS that was reviewed during the two conference calls, but also reviewed ofline by people that couldn't attend the calls. There are still some adjustments to maken, so he will create a new version of the PSS. For the PSS click HL7-IMIANI2016-PSS-NursingApplicationsShowcasev03-2015.docx -> need to create a link to the document.
Project structure
- The membership of the Project Core team and the Project Support team is discussed.
- Members in the Project Core team will be:
- William Goossen,
- Joyce Sensmeier,
- Sandy Vance,
- Emma Jones,
- Laura Heermann Langford,
- Patrick WEber,
- Nick Hardiger,
- Anneke Goossen Baremans.
- Members in the Project Suppert team can come from:
- HL7 nurses group
- IMIA NI standardization group
- IHE PCC group
- Volunteers
Goal of the NI2016 showcase
Engage nurses to use and refine clinical applications facilitating care, using interoperability standards during preparational connectathons and final showcase during the 13th international Nursing Informatics Conference June 25 to 29- 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.
Agreed on the following principles
- Use existing standards and profiles
- Accept some minor gaps
- Add details to existing standards and profiles
- Create a use case scenario document
- Learn from existing experiences and connectathons / showcases
The following ideas were discussed
- PCC profile, to be adjusted for purpose 2-2015
- C-CDA care plan (as used in 2014)
- Storyboards for the flow of nursing data 2-2015
- Content: basic patient, person, provider, professional, location data (as in most CDA and v3 and FHIR)
- Nursing content: vitals, assessment scales!
- Nursing content: care plan?
- Allow multiple standards to be applied (v3, CDA, FHIR, Services, etc)
- Devices can play a role
- Etc see PSS.
- Ed Hammond suggest to have a provocative theme for the showcase. For example 'Who makes the best use of EHR, standards, etc doctors or nurses?'
- The theme for NI2016 is 'eHealth for all'.
Steps to take?
- Which IHE profile to work from? There is another meeting Tuesday Q5. Minutes of that meeting are on the project wiki.
- February weekly conference calls for the profiling and the storyboarding. A Doodle poll will be created for the best date and time. Sandy Vance will take action on this.
- Project plan for the whole adventure. Action: Sandy Vance.
- Conference site requirements. Action: Sandy Vance.
- (Learning) objectives. Is one of the action items.
- Marketing and communication. All sponsors can use their own marketing and communication strategies for this. We will create a summary that can be used.
- Next meeting of HL7 Nurse Group in May 2015 during the HL7 WGM in Paris, Tuesday Q0 (7.00 -8.00 am).
- Next Project Core team meeting today at Q5 (5.00 - 7.00 pm).
- Next meetins after the HL7 WGM: to be planned.
Attending | Name | Initiaal | Company/Affiliation | Email Address |
Present | Goossen, William | WG | Results 4 Care, IMIA NI Representative NL | |
Present | Goossen, Anneke | AG | Results 4 Care | |
Present | Heermann Langford, Laura | LH | Director of Nursing Informatics, Intermountain Healthcare, Co-chair HL7 Patient Care and Emergency WG, IHE Patient Care Coordination, PCC | |
Present | Van Dyke, Patricia | PD | Director, EDI, HL7 Co-chair EHR WG | |
Present | Reeves, Dianne | DR | NIH/NCI, HL7 Co-chair Clinical Interoperability Council (CIC) | |
Absent | Frean, Isobel | IF | Head of Health Infomatics, Corporate Medical, Bupa | |
Present | Jones, Emma | EJ | Senior Business Analyst at Allscripts | |
Absent | Weber, Patrick | PW | Nice Computing, NI2016 Local Organizing Committee (LOC) | |
Present | Sensmeier, Joyce | JS | VP Informatics at HIMSS, NI2016 Supportive committee | |
Absent | Hübner, Ursula Hertha | UB | Prof. Dr. bei Fachhochschule Osnabrück, Germany | |
Absent | Sharma, Rajendra | RS | The Coding Institute | |
Absent | Whitewood-Moores, Zac | ZWM | Health and Social Care Information Centre | |
Present | Taylor, Sheryl | ST | Booz Allen Hamilton | |
Present | Vance, Sandra | SV | HIMSS | |
Present | Leftwich, Russ | RL | TN eHealth | |
Present | Rubini, Juliet | JR | Mathematica | |
Present | Dolin, Gaye | GD | Intelligent Medical Objects, IMO | |
Present | Hammond, Ed | EH | Duke University | |