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Location of interactionId on ControlAct

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Revision as of 19:25, 16 October 2006 by Rene spronk (talk | contribs)
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Harmonization: Location of interactionId in the ControlAct

Recommendation for HL7 RIM Change RECOMMENDATION ID:
Sponsored by: INM Approval date by committee: (WITHDRAWN)
Revision (# and date): Date submitted: 14/10/2006
Submitted By: Meena Pillai  
PROPOSALNAME: Location of interactionId within ControlAct  

Editing of harmonization proposals prior to a harmonization meeting is restricted to the proposal submitter and the co-chairs of the steward comittee. Other changes will be undone. Please add comments to the "discussion" page associated with this proposal.

Stewards Position

REQUIRED - This table should contain one row for each Steward Committee affected by the recommendation.

(responsibility level: S=Steward; I=Interested)
INM WITHDRAWN (INM Telcon, 20061016) S


As part of CFH requirement for batching we need a mechanism to be introduced to allow a Response item to be matched with the correct Query/Request item, this will involve adding a interactionId to the controlact.


There are three possible locations for the interactionId:

1. Within the controlAct itself.

2. Add an act relationship coming off the controlact to an additional act holding the interactionid.

3. Add the interactionId within the typeId attribute.


1. The first option would require a change to the RIM and so may seem the least desirable.

2. The second is plausible but may appear to many as somewhat "ugly" in design.

3.The third is less clunky however it could be argued is this the proper use for this attribute?

This is a core requirement that we need to meet and so this decision needs to be made.

Recommended Action Items

  • Implement one of the proposed solution.

