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CGIT concall 20150216
Revision as of 17:25, 11 February 2015 by Nathan Bunker (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Return to IC Conference Calls 2015 =Meeting Information= *Date: Monday, February 16, 2015 **Time: 4:00 pm, North America Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:...")
Return to IC Conference Calls 2015
Meeting Information
- Date: Monday, February 16, 2015
- Time: 4:00 pm, North America Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
- Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270
- Participant Passcode: 644843
Agenda Topics
- Link to Tools on Wiki
Summary of Todo Items
- Ioana Singureanu will try to get us on one of their conference calls, see if we need to or if we can just circulate to that list of stake-holders.
- Rob Snelick will create a PSS, sometime before May meeting.
- Rob Snelick will contact Matt Gram again a few weeks before May meeting to ask for an update on the MWB.
- Nathan Bunker will download DMP, make changes, and upload it again.
- Nathan Bunker will look to attend the Harmonization List Serve meetings.
- Nathan Bunker will start a list on open issues for the CGIT meetings.
- Nathan Bunker will link to the NIST and other tools on the Wiki.
- Nathan Bunker will reach out to Aegis to invite them to the CGIT meeting. Quick update and to let us to know where the tools exist.