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CGIT concall 20150202
Revision as of 21:49, 2 February 2015 by Nathan Bunker (talk | contribs) (→Update from Ioana Singureanu)
Return to IC Conference Calls 2014
Meeting Information
- Date: Monday, February 2, 2015
- Time: 4:00 pm, North America Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
- Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270
- Participant Passcode: 644843
- Rob Snelick
- Ioana Singureanu
Agenda Topics
- RCnL Update
- Review of projects with Vocabulary
- Separating conformance in Chapter 2 so it tracked separately from the HL7 version releases
- Review of todo Items
Update from Ioana Singureanu
- Conformance concepts for FHIR have been added to a wiki
- (PSS for RNcL has not be submitted, circulated it with the product line task force. TODO: Ioana Singureanu will try to get us on one of their conference calls, see if we need to or if we can just circulate to that list of stake-holders. May or may not be necessary for us to be on the call. Want them to take vote in their meeting about if they want to want to co-sponsor it.
- Motion: Motion to approve the ballot reconciliation for RCnL release 2. 2 for, 0 against, 0 refrained
- Submit the recirculation ballot request for RCnL. 2 for, 0 against, 0 refrained.
V2 Code Table Project
- Ongoing work, call was setup on Thursday, every other week
- Vocabulary agreed to remove conformance from the V2. Need to keep in sync with vocabulary. Need to create PSS for maintenance. Need standing project item. TODO: Rob Snelick will create a PSS, sometime before May meeting. First we create document then eventually it will go TSC. Probably separate from Vocabulary’s desire to publish separately. Need to make sure Publication is on board with this. Maybe we should shoot for a December ballot.
Todo Item Review
- The DMP is on the HL7 org website. TODO: Nathan Bunker will download DMP, make changes, and upload it again.
- Harmonization List Serve for HL7 Vocab and Rim schedules. Subscribe to the list serve. TODO: Nathan Bunker will look to attend the meetings.
- Upload HL7 v2 Conformance Profile Schemas: Keep this on the list of running items. In a month or so it will be stabilized. Maybe not the vocabulary part. TODO: Nathan Bunker will start a list on open issues for the CGIT meetings.
- Message Work Bench tool: Create a list? We have a google group. Pete had created a google or yahoo group. Not associated with HL7. Don’t know the answer. People don’t know when looking at the list of listservs where to ask about MWB. Perhaps a conformance tooling listserv. Discuss again in two weeks.
- Rob Snelick typically asks Matt Gram about the MWB development for the tooling meeting at the work group. TODO: Rob Snelick will contact Matt Gram again a few weeks before May meeting.
- TODO: Nathan Bunker will link to the NIST and other tools.
- TODO: Nathan Bunker will reach out to Aegis to invite them to the CGIT meeting. Quick update and to let us to know where the tools exist.
Summary of Todo Items
- Ioana Singureanu will try to get us on one of their conference calls, see if we need to or if we can just circulate to that list of stake-holders.
- Rob Snelick will create a PSS, sometime before May meeting.
- Nathan Bunker will download DMP, make changes, and upload it again.
- Nathan Bunker will look to attend the Harmonization List Serve meetings.
- Nathan Bunker will start a list on open issues for the CGIT meetings.
- Rob Snelick will contact Matt Gram again a few weeks before May meeting to ask for an update on the MWB.
- Nathan Bunker will link to the NIST and other tools on the Wiki.
- Nathan Bunker will reach out to Aegis to invite them to the CGIT meeting. Quick update and to let us to know where the tools exist.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:38 pm Eastern time.