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OO CR169-817 Table 0200 Update
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Submitted by: Stephen Chu | Revision date: <<Revision Date>> |
Submitted date: September 4, 2014 | Change request ID: |
Standard/IG: Standard | Artifact ID, Name: |- |
See V2 Proposal Database #817 for problem definition and proposal.
9/11/2014: – send to Patient Administration Customary name vs alias – what is the difference? - can we get clarity on that 9/17/2014 - realized that InM is steward for the table, but was discussed in PA during WGM - need to get resolution from them.
Does this make xpn.15 redundant?
2.a.89.15 Called By (ST) Definition: A "called by" name is the name that is preferred when a person is directly addressed; sometimes known as a nickname. Note: The called by component contains a name that could be categorized as a nickname using the name usage types in HL7 Table 0200 - Name type. Its use is reserved for instances in which the nickname is a single name part that is provided in addition to a name that has some other type, such as legal. It is understood that the "called by" name is not part of the full name. Where a nickname has more parts, possibly including a family name, a different XPN with a type of nickname should instead be used. Examples: • James Robert Smith is Cdddalled By Jim Bob • James Robert Smith is Called By JR • Peter Richard Smith is Called By Richard • Mary Margaret Elizabeth Jones is Called By Meg.