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AID 201409 Agenda

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These are the minutes of the AID 'user group' meeting held in Chicago (Sept. 2014)

Sunday Q3/Q4

Workgroup Date/Time Location Chair/Scribe
AID HL7 User Group, hosting FHIR 2014-09-14,
Chicago IL, USA Chair/Scribe: Rene Spronk


  1. Ewout Kramer, Furore
  2. Paul Knapp, Knapp Consulting
  3. Brian Postlethwaite, Health Comex
  4. Charlie McCay, Ramsey Systems Ltd.
  5. Ynwei Wang, IMO
  6. Tessa van Stijn, NICTIZ
  7. Iryna Roy, GVC
  8. Dale Nelson, Lantana
  9. Isabelle Gibaud, SIB
  10. Francois Macary, ASIP Sante
  11. J M Karp, CAP
  12. Josh Mandel, Boston Childeren's Hospital
  13. Ruben Daniels, NEHTA
  14. Pavel Smirnov, Health Samurai
  15. Richard Ettema, Inc.
  16. Vadim Polyakov, Inovalon Inc.
  17. Paul Duncan, Agfa Healthcare
  18. Scott Deeraester
  19. Gordon Raup, Datuit
  20. Kai Heitmann, HL7 Germany
  21. Richard Kavanagh, HSCIC
  22. Suranga Kasthurirathne, OpenMRS/Regenstrief
  23. Alexander Henket, NICTIZ
  24. Paul Lomaylsvg, Intersystems
  25. Rick Geimer, Lantana
  26. Howard S. Eddidin, Eddidin Group
  27. Russ Leftwich, State Tenessee
  28. M. Harthoorn, Furore
  29. Puneet Nagpal, WebMD


  1. Administrative
    • Rene calls to order at 13:45
    • Rene: as per our DMP I hereby announce that I'll be creating video recordings of the presenters and their presentations - to allow those that are not present here to view some of the highlights; should somone not wish to be recorded, please let us know. No objections were raised.
  2. Development of web apps for FHIR with FHIR API AngularJS module ( (Pavel Smirnov, and )
  3. Using FHIR resoutrces for claims (Paul Knapp)
    • Paul introduces the audience to the business workflow behind claims management - millions of transactions processed by legacy applications. He has created a couple of test applications to see if the claims-related resources could actually be used to support the claims process. The test applications were written from scratch - the libraries shipped with the FHIR standard weren't used at all, still the implementation was relatively easy.
  4. Importing FHIR Profiles in ART DECOR (Ewout Kramer, Kai Heitmann)
    • Discussion about how (and which parts of) FHIR Profiles could ART DECOR (which supports the creation/validation of all kinds of XML templates). The template expressions could be used in turn by the MARC HI Everest toolkit as the basis for code generation.
  5. Adjourned at 15:20

Monday Q3

Workgroup Date/Time Location Chair/Scribe
AID HL7 User Group 2014-09-15,
Chicago IL, USA Chair/Scribe: Rene Spronk


  1. Rene Spronk, Ringholm (chair/scribe)
  2. Brian pech, KP
  3. Matthew Jenks, Systems Made Simple
  4. Jon-CHANG Cho, KHWIS
  5. Hyeon-ho Been, KHWIS
  6. Daniel Lanphear, McKesson Specialty H..
  7. Libor Seidl, HL7 Czech Republic
  8. Peter hendler, KP
  9. Micheal Rossman, KP
  10. Brad Arndt, Cerner
  11. Gaby Jewell, Cerner
  12. Yeb Havinga, MGRID/Portavita
  13. Gordon Raup, Datuit
  14. Cecil Lynch,


  1. Administrative agenda items
    • Rene calls to order at 13:50
    • Announcements
      • Rene: in July we held an e-mail vote for the FTSD co-chair
        • MOTION (on July 1st) by Andy Stechishin, seconded by Howard Edidin: I MOVE we vote for Paul.
        • Seven votes were recieved by the tally (Rene); the motion was accepted 7-0-0 on July 17th.
    • Approval of the minutes of the Amsterdam out-of-cycle meeting
      • MOTION to approve the minutes of the out-of-cycle meeting held in Amsterdam on June 3rd, 2014, as documented on the AID 201406 Agenda wiki page - (Peter/Michael, 10-0-0)
    • Discussion of upcoming AID out-of-cycle meetings
      • Rene: I've contacted the organizers of IHIC 15 to arrange for a 'joint' event in Prague next year. The audience and aims of IHIC largely overlap with those of AID - as such this should be of mutual benefit. The last few years IHIC has attracted HL7 implementers with an acadameic or research background - whereas AID mainly attracts implementers that have a non-academic background.
      • Libor: IHIC is organized around the world in various countries. In this case HL7 Germany and HL7 Austria are supporting the organization of this 15th IHIC in Prague. There is a need to get more industry involvement in IHIC, so we need implementers to show up.
      • MOTION To organize an AID out-of-cycle meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, in conjunction with the 15th International HL7 Interoperability Conference (IHIC) held on February 9-11, 2015. (Peter/Libor, 11-0-0)
    • Upcoming WGMs: San Antonio, Paris
      • No specific topcs were suggested to those present. The co-chairs will identify appropriate topics as the focus for discussion/presentations.
    • Rene: as per our DMP I hereby announce my intent to create a video recording of todays presentation. No objections were raised.
  2. Synthetic cda/fhir message generation for benchmarking (Yeb Havinga, MGRID, NL)
    • 'Big Data, Analytics, Privacy and Ethics' is the topic of this years plenary meeting. Collecting and aggregating health data for analytics brings the promise of improving outcome, while at the same time there is a tension between secondary usage of data, and security and privacy regulations. In the AXLE project, Portavita and MGRID show how HL7 standards are instrumental in both collecting data, as well as providing access to data in a controlled way. In this session we give a demo of the AXLE healthcare benchmark, the first big data healthcare benchmark. In particular we'll demonstrate the open-source synthetic CDA and FHIR message generator, how to transform 1000's of msg/s from XML to SQL persistence, and a scalable database for analytics on healthcare data using an augmented, full RIM data model. Related to this session is the presentation for the Security Workgroup where we show how the Healthcare Classification System can be used to govern access to healthcare data for analytics.'
  3. Adjourned at 17:00

Tuesday Q6 (Electronic Servives and Tools hosts)

  • Hosted by EST (Tooling merged with ES)

Wednesday Q4 (hosting EST)

Workgroup Date/Time Location Chair/Scribe
AID HL7 User Group, hosting EST 2014-09-17,
Chicago IL, USA Chair/Scribe: Rene Spronk


  • Rene Spronk, Ringholm (chair/scribe)
  • Shannon Gray, Softarex
  • Juha Mykhanen, UEF
  • Peter Hendler, KP
  • Michael Rossman, KP
  • Gordon Raup, Datuit


  1. Administrative agenda items
    • Rene calls to order at 15:37
    • Planning for San Antonio (Jan. 2015)
      • When it comes to co-chairs - Rene won't be there; Peter will attend; Andy doesn't know yet.
      • Use same quarters as usual: SUN Q3/Q4, MON Q3, TUE Q6 (EST Hosting), WED Q4
      • ACTION Andy to fill in the room request using the new request tool.
  2. Tooling aspects (joint with EST; no EST representatives were present)
    1. Evaluation/promotion of implementation oriented tools.
      • Update January 2014: Peter and Andy will work with Rene off-line to improve/edit the Tools for RIM based software development. After the edits have been completed by the smaller group, the updated wiki page will be presented to the wider AID community for ratification at an upcoming meeting
      • Update Sept 2014: Gordon observes that we simply don't have the bandwidth to look at all sorts of toolkits, and that this may be a good task to as a university student to do - as long as we define the 'tool aveluation criteria'. Yuha (representing a university agrees)
        • MOTION to declare the evaluation of tools not to be in scope for this WG (Peter/Juha, 5-0-0)
        • MOTION to define the 'tool evaluation criteria' - which is within our scope (Peter/Gordon, 5-0-0).
        • A starter version can be found here: Tool Evaluation Criteria
        • It was observed that there may be an overlap with the SHARE project, Rene will verify with Helen Stevens.
    2. Creating 'implementation packages' of HL7 standard publications, software processable expressions thereof that can be used for source code generation, as well as other related implementation tools and toolkits.
      • AID has passed a motion that states we think the publication (by HL7) of such packages would be a good idea. Whom do we need to convince within the organization, what would it mean in practical terms, to create such packages for e.g. HL7v2, CDA, etc.?
      • Example: The HL7v2 Implementation Bundle could consist of the HL7v2 spec (in HTML) format, v2 examples, the HAPI/nHAPI toolkits, the v2 XML schema, the v2 database (with definition of message structures).
        • Update January 2014: Andy has proposed this concept to the steering division and TSC. Both groups agreed that the idea was worth pursuing. Andy is tasked with creating a PSS for the work, gaining appropriate approval
        • Update Sept. 2014: Michael van der Zel (EST co-chair) has created a draft PSS. The PSS was updated, with its scope limited to the 'definition of the content of the v2 and CDA implementation packages'. The PSS will be forwarded for EST.
        • MOTION to approve the draft PSS, to forward to EST, for additional discussion within EST, and for EST to submit to the TSC. (Peter/Gordon, 4-0-0)
  3. Whitepaper review
    • List of AID Whitepapers
      • Implementation Guidance for the IVL TS data type - suggestion by Peter to add a graphic to show the intervals in the examples.
      • ACTION Ask Tom de Jong to review.
      • ACTION publish in v3 FAQ on wiki, add to HL7 helpdesk (?)
      • Persisting FHIR Resources - Andy still intends to lead this, will have something by January.
      • ACTION ask Ewout to contribute a blurb about NoSQL
      • Question was raised if the persisting of bundled resources leads to a different approach than if one persists individual resourses in a REST environment. Guidance should be provided by the whitepaper.
      • Software Implementation of CDA - Rene is lead.
      • ACTION Kai Heitman and Justin Fyffe to validate the newly added content. Aim is to have a version for formal approval by AID in San Antonio (January 2015)
  4. All other business
    • Peter: there's apparantly a new RDF group within HL7, I've seen some e-mail from a David Booth ( on W3C lists.
      • ACTION Peter to initiate an e-mail exchange to find out if there's an overlap in scope between their work and AID.
  5. Adjourned at 16:50