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Conference call minutes 20 March 2014

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Health Concern Topic

Patient Care WG March 20, 2014


  • Michael Tan – Chair
  • Elaine Ayres – Scribe
  • Stephen Chu
  • Laura Heermann Langford
  • Kevin Coonan
  • Kathryn Kuttler


  1. Minutes previous meeting
  2. Discuss document for DAM
  3. Next meeting

Minutes Previous meeting

A discussion started on the mind map. See below. The mind map should mention the status draft. Stephen will add the word Draft to the posted mind maps.

Approve minutes as amended of March 6, 2014 - Moved Elaine Second Laura. Voting: No – 0, Abstain – 0, Approve - 5

Mind Map

Continue review of mind map – condition has a tracking plan is not optional. Or the condition does not require an intervention – it may be monitoring.

There is always an element of monitoring in the health concern model. Does tracking include monitoring? Is there a presumption that tracking is always necessary?

At present the mind map does not include the care plan. Kevin notes that the goal and interventions have relationship with a care plan. Stephen prefers to keep the topic care plan seperate, because it would clutter the topic of health concern. Kevin will add comments to the mind map. Action item Kevin

Domain Analysis Document

Michael has started to write the Domain Analysis Model using materials developed to date. This includes definitions, the mind maps and use cases. Enrique will provide the models. Planning on the September, 2014 ballot.


We will need an introduction to explain the need of the topic of health concerns


A Health Concern is a health related matter that is of interest or importance or worry to someone, who may be the patient, patient's family or patient's health care provider. (San Antonio WG 2014).

Evolution of health concerns over time – we have discussed. This would be helpful to add to the DAM. Also need to differentiate between a health concern and a problem concern.

Develop final definition of health concern tracker/tracking. Michael will formulate a suggestion. Action item Michael.

Group encouraged to review draft of the DAM document. Michael will place the document on the wiki. Action item Michael

Link to the document can be found here: File:Health Concern DAM

Kathryn has worked on Health Concerns for several years and will send in material (thru Michael) to contribute to the definitions and use cases. Action item Kathryn

Next meeting

Thursday, 3d April 2014 at 4 PM ET.