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FHIR Agenda-Cambridge 201310 WGM

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This is a list of known FHIR-related sessions happening at the Sept. 2013 Cambridge WGM.

This is the "official" list and is more up-to-date than the on-site guide, so please consider this your primary source for FHIR-related information. If you're aware of other FHIR-related activities happening, or planned schedules change through-out the week, *please* update this list. Also, feel free to fill in more detailed agenda topics.

Note that some quarters are completely dedicated to FHIR. Others may only deal with FHIR for part of the session or briefly. Non-dedicated sessions are included in italics.

For those new to HL7, Quarters are as follows: Q0=breakfast, Q1=9-10:30, Q2=11:00-12:30, Q3=1:45-3:00, Q4=3:30-5, Q5=dinner time, Q6=after dinner, until everyone crashes

General (non-scheduled)


  • Welcome new members?
  • Governance/policy-related ballot issues
  • Criteria for requiring second ballot
  • Release plans - specifically how to manage a 60 day connectathon freeze in parallel with DSTU ballot/publication
  • Metrics during DSTU
  • External project engagement: HData, vMR, Clinical genomics, Structured data capture
    • how do we track and manage "projects" that may impact resourcing needs
  • Moving forward on precepts

FMG session

  • liaison responsibilities
  • ballot prioritization
  • 12:00 - Connectathon planning

FGB session

  •  ???

Saturday Sept. 20


Thomas Paine A

  • FHIR Connectathon 4 (Connectathon development)
    • Kickoff 9:00am
    • Touch-point 2 12:00pm
    • Touch-point 1 4:30pm

NOTE: we must be out of the room promptly at 5pm as it's being used by TSC

  • Breakfast courtesy of Eastern Informatics
  • Lunch courtesy of Furore

Sunday Sept 21


Thomas Paine A

  • Connectathon Testing

Paul Revere B

  • FHIR ballot reconciliation (partial quarter)


Thomas Paine A

  • Connectathon Testing & presentations


Thomas Paine A

  • FGB luncheon/meeting


Thomas Paine B (w/ MnM)

  • Agenda Planning


Tutorial is cancelled this WGM (will resume next WGM)

Tentative: Paul Revere B (w/ ARB)

  • TSC presentation planning


Cambridge A (w/ TSC) - LM

  • 5:15-6:30 - ARB, FGB, FMG presentations

Monday Sept 22


Guest Room 211 (w/ ITS, MnM) - GG, EK

  • Ballot reconciliation

Haym Saloman - Tutorial - LM

  • Introduction to HL7 FHIR

Empress West (w/ CBCC)

  • FHIR Update (5-10 min?)

Chrispus Attucks (w/ Education)

  • Review of FHIR eLearning Module (20 min?)

Cambridge A (w/ Healthcare Devices)

  • FHIR project status (5-10 min?)

Empress West (w/Security)

  • FHIR Demonstration/Discussion of HCS Implementation - Duane DeCouteau (Partial quarter)

Guest Room 209: RIMBAA - applying FHIR publication approach to v2 and/or CDA


Guest Room 211 (w/ ITS, MnM) - GG, EK

  • Ballot reconciliation

Haym Saloman Tutorial - LM

  • Introduction to HL7 FHIR

Tuesday Sept 23


Guest Room 211 (FHIR Core/MnM) - LM

  • Ballot reconciliation - TBD

William Dawes A Tutorial - EK

  • FHIR for Software Developers

Charles Sumner (w/ Patient Administration)

  • FHIR ballot rec. & development

Guest Room 202 (w/ SOA) - GG

  • Discuss implications of FHIR on SOA and ITS (Mark Kramer, David Hay), relation between hData and FHIR

Martin Luther King Jr (w/Pharmacy)

  • WG focus: Messages vs medication templates vs FHIR (partial quarter)


William Dawes A Tutorial - EK

  • FHIR for Software Developers

Charles Sumner (w/ Patient Administration) - GG

  • FHIR ballot rec. & development

(Lloyd in MnM)


Charles Sumner (w/ Patient Administration) - EK

  • FHIR ballot rec. & development (continuation from Q2)

Martin Luther king Jr (w/ Pharmacy) - LM

  • Ballot rec.

GG - your choice :>


Guest room 212 (w/ InM & ITS) - GG

  • message header, metadata, behaviour

Empress West: (w/ PHER) LM

  • FHIR Immunization resources (tentative)

William Garrison (w/ PC) - EK

  • FHIR ballot rec.

Charles Sumner (w/ Patient Administration)

  • FHIR ballot rec. & development


7pm: Riverside Pavilion (w/ RIMBAA & Tooling)

  • Tooling demonstrations (including FHIR applications)

Wednesday Sept 24


Chirispus Attucks (w/ EHR, Sec, CBCC, SOA) - GG

  • Update on interim work around security labeling / HCS with EHR WG and FHIR

Thomas Paine B (w/ MnM, Voc) - LM

  • Vocabulary FHIR ballot rec.

EK - Your choice


Thomas Paine B (w/ MnM, Voc) - LM

  • Vocabulary FHIR ballot rec.

Thomas Paine A (w/ OO) - GG FHIR ballot reconciliation

EK - Your choice


NOTE: Joint session with FM CANCELLED

Thomas Paine B (w/ MnM) - LM

  • FHIR methodology and/or ballot reconciliation, Mapping

Empress West(w/ Mobile Health) - GG

  • Mobile FHIR update (25 min)

EK - Your choice


Cambridge A (w/ Devices) - GG

  • Status Update / 2013 September Ballot
  • X73=> FHIR Update (incl. Connectathon)
  • FHIR MD Alert Resource Proposal
  • PSS’ for DEV WG FHIR Project

Thomas Paine B (w/ CGIT, Templates) - EK

  • Vocab Binding, FHIR Profiles
  • Conformance Statements
  • Ballot reconciliation & tooling discussion

(tentative) Paul Revere C (w/ Clin Gen) - LM?

  • Family History (partial)

(tentative) Guest Room 212 (w/ FM) - LM?

  • FHIR ballot reconciliation & planning (partial quarter)

Guest Room 211 (w/ II)

  • Web Services for Imaging Integration, FHIR (partial quarter)

Chrispus Attucks (w/ Security)

  • Free security tutorial - FHIR Security Model (partial quarter)

Thur Sept 25


Thomas Paine B (w/ MnM) -LM, GG

  • FHIR Methodology

(tentative) Guest Room 212 (w/ ITS) - EK

  • FHIR ballot rec.


Thomas Paine A (w/ OO) - GG

  • FHIR Ballot Reconciliation, FHIR Planning

Thomas Paine B (w/ MnM) - LM & EK

  • Ballot reconciliation

Guest Room 211 (w/ II)

  • Prep for meeting w/ FHIR Project Group (partial quarter)


Thomas Paine B (w/ II, DICOM) - GG

  • Web Services for Imaging Integration, FHIR

Molly Pitcher (w/ SD) - LM

  • FHIR DSTU ballot reconciliation
  • CDA R3 Narrative block and FHIR narrative
  • CDA R3 & FHIR

Charles Sumner (w/ PA) - EK

  • FHIR planning


Thomas Paine B (w/ II, DICOM) - GG

  • Web Services for Imaging Integration, FHIR

(tentative) Guest Room 212 (w/ ITS) - LM, EK

  • FHIR ballot rec. and/or CDS discussion

Fri Sept 26


Paul Revere B & C (breakfast area)

  • FHIR tooling planning


Cambridge B (FMG & FGB)

  • Ballot rec planning
  • Second ballot?
  • Next steps
  • Term staggering
  • Hot topics


Thomas Paine B (w/ MnM)

  • Ballot reconciliation