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December 17, 2013 Security WG Conference Call

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* Meeting ID: 0355043de4d44c379c2f571c30265fd2
* Entry Code: 64mCj82LY

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* I am connecting from outside the Corporation network


Member Name Present Member Name Present Member Name Present
Mike Davis Security Co-chair x John Moehrke Security Co-chair Trish Williams Security Co-chair
Bernd Blobel, Security Co-chair . . .
Johnathan Coleman x Kathleen Connor x Duane DeCouteau x
Reed Gelzer Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-chair x Rick Grow x
David Henkel x Muhammed Jafari . Don Jorgenson .
Diana Proud-Madruga Harry Rhodes . Ioana Singureanu .
Richard Thoreson CBCC Co-chair Ioana Singureanu Tony Weida .
Paul Petronelli, Co-Chair Mobile Health Security WG x Amanda Nash (ONC) x
. . .

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. (10 min) DS4P ballot update
  3. (10 min) SLS Ballot update
  4. (10 min) update plans for training, and WGM agenda
  5. Holiday Schedule - next meeting

Meeting Minutes DRAFT

Paul Petronelli - security on mobile health devices meeting set for January 31 time/place TBD (will be sent to the general list)

  • Are there security people already scheduled to attend? <yes>
  • Mobile Health WG is planning to address several topics including BYOD(?); there has been lots of recent discussion on this
  • Are there any other topics that you are intersted in discussing <yes> authentication,
    • background material will also be included with the invite

Meeting Minutes from December 10 meeting. approved (no abstentions)

DS4P The ballot for recirculations is NOT going forward. The normative II ballot for DS4P IS going forward.

  • Issues with the ballot pool lineup have been resolved, and the pool signup deadline has been extended until December 19.
  • A couple of comments which were considered substantive (by TC) needs to go by Steering division. These comments have been resolved.
  • The ballot sign up has been extended for a few days to accomodate the ballot pool. (to January 20th). Ioana plans to get the material out by next Wednesday.
  • those who voted on N1 are allowed to vote on N2 (whether they are paying members or not)
  • this will be a new ballot
  • Johnathan will follow up with the DS4P folk who were signed up for N1 to vote in N2
  • The DS4P/RESTful in IHE is careefuly leveraging the work done in HL7 (email forwared to Mike & Kathleen by Johnathan) encouraging poeple to join the IHE WG--discussion. Conformance statements are being questioned and dialogue is needed between the two groups

HCS Status: Four negative commenters are outstanding

  • Two negatives stem from Germany - Bernd has been tasked to reach out/speak with them to withdraw their negative comments
  • Dr. Stumpf
  • Clem McDonald
  • after which we will have our recirculation ballot


We have submitted the SLS ballot

Training Update No update on training plans, which were to be proposed by John Muerke.

Plan on cancelling next week's meeting scheduled for 12/24 (Christmas Eve) and 12/31 (New Year's Eve) - Mike will be out and is unsure of what the other two co-chairs will be doing

  • next Security WG meeting will be held on January 7 - this will be a tight schedule prior to the WGM'


  • Suzanne to create WGM template for Security
  • Suzanne to update meeting invite to 'LYNC'
  • Security WG members should forward agenda items to Suzanne for the upcoming meeting.
  • Kathleen and Suzanne to review action items from last WGM to make sure there is nothing still outstanding.

Add to WGM Security Agenda:

  • FHIR Connect-ta-thon - update from Duane

Motion to Adjourn (Suzanne/Kathleen) Meeting adjourned at 1434 PST --Suzannegw 22:35, 17 December 2013 (UTC)