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FHIR Allergy Sample

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A FHIR Representation of the Patient with allergies to different substances CDA Sample (from CDA Template Example Task Force)

The CDA sample follows this structure:

     <text /> <- I put this aside for the moment
     Erythromycin Allergy
     Bactrim Allergy
     Peanut Allergy
     Cat Dander Allergy

Erythromycin Allergy

This item contains a lot of the same questions as the other allergies. Let's focus on one for brevity and I'll include the rest later

Bactrim Allergy

This item contains a lot of the same questions as the other allergies. Let's focus on one for brevity and I'll include the rest later

Peanut Allergy

This item contains a lot of the same questions as the other allergies. Let's focus on one for brevity and I'll include the rest later

<AllergyIntolerance xmlns="">
   <Substance id="sub1">
       <status value="generated"/>
       <div xmlns="">Peanut</div>
         <system value="urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.9"/>
         <display value="PEANUT"/>

   <AdverseReaction id="react1">
       <div xmlns="">Anaphylaxis Reaction</div>
     <!--effective time of CDA allergy observation. Not exactly when you noticed the allergy.. but when you noticed the reaction-->
     <reactionDate value="1988"/>
       <reference value="patient" />

     <didNotOccurFlag value ="false" />

     <!--Is this who discovered the allergy?-->
       <reference value="author1" />
     <!--why not in identifier?-->
           <system value=""/>
           <display value="Anaphylaxis"/>
         <text value="Anaphylaxis reaction"/>
       <!--CDA alaphylaxis observation.entryrelationship.observation.value [severity]
        In this case, the cda sample severity is "Severe" (snomed 24484000)-->
       <severity value="severe"/>
     <!-- do we need this if the allergy contains the allergen?
        <exposureDate value="2012-09-17"/>
        <exposureType value="coincidental"/>
          <reference value="sub1"/>

   <Practitioner id="author1">
       <system value ="urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" />
       <value value="66778899" />

   <Patient id="patient"> <!--not specified in the example-->
 <!--CDA Note: not sure which (I took from the observation/id) entry/act/id... or entry/act/entryRelationship/observation/id. 
  entry/act describes the id for the allergy act... entry/act/entryrelationship/obsevation is the actual allergy -->
   <value value="urn:uuid:e70b70c6-48d2-47af-8138-9470ed249bab" />
 <!--Food allergy-->
   <label value ="Food Allergy" />
   <system value=""/>
   <value value="414285001"/>

 <!--CDA Note: reference text?-->
 <!--CDA Note: time the reaction occurred isn't recordable observation.entryrelationship.obsevation-->

 <!--Severe == high?-->
 <!--CDA Note: the CDA differentiates from the severity of the reaction and the severity of the allergy... but I don't see a FHIR equivalent.-->
 <criticality value="high" />

 <!--CDA Note: we're inferring a bit here (because of snomed food allergy code)-->
 <sensitivityType value="allergy" />
 <recordedDate value="1998-05-01T11:45:00-08:00"/>

 <!--CDA Note: entry/act/statuscode denotes that the allergy is active and needs to be monitored. it doesn't really map 1:1 to confirmed-->
 <status value="confirmed" />

   <reference value="#patient" />
 <!--CDA Note: the author of the act-->
   <reference value="#author1" />
   <reference value="#sub1"/>
   <display value="Peanut"/>
   <reference value="#react1"/>
   <display value="Anaphylaxis"/>

Cat Dander Allergy

The FHIR equivalent to the CDA Entry for cat allergy is:

 <AllergyIntolerance xmlns="">

  <!--Cat dander substance (entry.act.entryRelationship.observation.participant.participantRole[classCode="MANU"].playingEntity[classCode="MMAT"].code
    Note too, that entry.act.entryRelationship.observation.effectiveTime.low indicates allergy onset, and I can't seem to find a place to map that... Adverse Reaction seems to have a time that indicates when the reaction occurred.-->
    <Substance id="sub1">
       <status value="generated"/>
       <div xmlns="">Cat Dander</div>
         <system value="urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.9"/>
         <display value="Felis catus dander"/>
  <!--Note that there does not seem an appropriate place to put entry.act.entryRelationship.observation.entryRelationship[typeCode="SUBJ"] (describing the severity of the allergy) SEE note at criticality node below-->


 <!--Eye Swelling Reaction (entry.act.entryRelationship.observation.entryRelationship[typeCode="MFST"].observation)-->
   <AdverseReaction id="react1">
       <div xmlns="">Eye swelling reaction</div>
     <!--A reaction to cat dander was observed for 3 days in January 2009. We don't seem to have an equivalent way of representing it.-->
        <low value="20090116"/>
        <high value="2009019"/>
     <reactionDate value="2009-01-16"/> <!--Since there's no way to do effectiveTime.low/high that I can see, I took the low'\-->
     <!--Making a safe assumption-->
       <reference value="patient" />
     <!--Node CDA negation indicators, so...-->
     <didNotOccurFlag value ="false" />
     <!--Since there's no other author specified, we'll go up the tree until we find one... and that's at>
       <reference value="author1" />
     <!--why not in identifier?-->
           <system value=""/>
           <display value="Eye swelling"/>
         <text value="Eye swelling"/>
       <!--entryrelationship[typeCode="SUBJ"].observation.value == 255604002 [mild severity]-->
       <severity value="mild"/>

 <!--This is the CDA>
  <!--This author participant indicates the provider who recorded the allergy -->
     Same as when the allergy was first recorded in the patient's chart 
     <time value="199805011145-0800"/>'' '''<-Since this is the same as the act effective time, we can ignore it
        <id extension="66778899" root="2.16.840.1.113883.4.6"/>
        This ID points back to a provider described in the header
   <Practitioner id="author1">
       <system value ="urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" />
       <value value="66778899" />
 <!--Patient (referenced in another resource elsewhere)-->
   <Patient id="patient">
     <!--assumed to be in the header in the CDA example-->

 <!--CDA entry. should both and be mapped?-->
 <!--I took>
 entry/act describes the id for the allergy act... entry/act/entryrelationship/obsevation is the actual allergy--></nowiki>
   <value value="urn:uuid:dd8f01c9-fb0d-4744-aeda-75e7f208dca7" />

 <!--Allergy to substance (entry.act.entryRelationship.observation.value)-->
   <label value ="Allergy to substance" />
   <system value=""/>
   <value value="419199007"/>

 <!--Is this the correct inference?-->
 <!--the CDA differentiates from the severity of the reaction and the severity of the allergy... but I don't see a FHIR equivalent.-->
 <criticality value="" />

 <!--we're inferring a bit here (because of snomed allergy code)-->
 <sensitivityType value="allergy" />

 <recordedDate value="1998-05-01T11:45:00-08:00"/>

 <!--CDA Note: entry.act.statuscode="active" denotes that the allergy is active and needs to be monitored. It doesn't seem to really map 1:1 to confirmed-->
 <status value="confirmed" />

   <reference value="#patient" />

 <!--CDA Note: the author of the act-->
   <reference value="#author1" />

   <reference value="#sub1"/>
   <display value="Cat Dander"/>

   <reference value="#react1"/>
   <display value="Eye swelling"/>

