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December 03, 2013 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


Member Name Present Member Name Present Member Name Present
Richard Thoreson CBCC Co-chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair x Max Walker CBCC Co-Chair .
Michael Alonso . Wende Baker x Bill Braithwaite, MD .
Kathleen Connor Daniel Crough . .
Steve Eichner Brian Handspicker . Mohammed Jafari
Jim Kretz x Mike Lardiere . Tracy Leeper
Lisa Nelson Diana Proud-Madruga Harry Rhodes
Ken Salyards Lori Simon Ioana Singureanu
Tony Weida . Kate Wetherby . Rick Grow x
Maryann Juurlink x Steve Daviss

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. Value Set Discovery Environmnetal Scan for Criminal Justice and healthcare - MaryAnn
  3. Re-circulation ballot: Privacy Consent IG
  4. Re-circulation ballot: DS4P - Ioana
  5. Reaffirmation V3 Consent Directive - Ioana
  6. Scope Statement: BH Outcome Measures - Richard
  7. (5 min) Other Business

Meeting Minutes - **DRAFT**

Motion made to accept meeting minutes (since WGM) Suzanne / Diana second) Abstentions: none; Objections: none; Motion passed

ACTION ITEM - Ioana to confirm if additional information needed for NIB on Reaffirmation v3 Consent Directive ballot


Transition of care can be equated to transition of services with the mindset of continuing care toward improvment of the client/patient.

connection for SAMHSA in terms of prevention - this will be cases for both adults and children

Recirculation Ballot reaffirmation of v3 - we need to submit a new PSS (to Lynn)

Behavior Outcome Measures for Safety Net, Health and Humana Services - Richard (add draft)

Ioana will follow up with Suzanne on the two re-circulation ballots via e-mail