Product ITS DT
Product Brief - Implementation Technology Specifications for Data Types
- 1 Product Name - HL7 V3: Implementation Technology Specification - XML Data Types
- 1.1 Standard Category
- 1.2 Integration Paradigm
- 1.3 Type
- 1.4 Topics
- 1.5 Releases
- 1.6 Summary
- 1.7 Description
- 1.8 Business Case (Intended Use, Customers)
- 1.9 Benefits
- 1.10 Implementations/ Case Studies (Actual Users)
- 1.11 Resources
- 1.12 Relationship to/ Dependencies on, other standards
- 1.13 Links to current projects in development
- 2 Product Name - HL7 V3 ITS, R2; XML Implementation Technology Specification R2 Guide, Release 1
- 2.1 Standard Category
- 2.2 Integration Paradigm
- 2.3 Type
- 2.4 Topics
- 2.5 Releases
- 2.6 Summary
- 2.7 Description
- 2.8 Business Case (Intended Use, Customers)
- 2.9 Benefits
- 2.10 Implementations/ Case Studies (Actual Users)
- 2.11 Resources
- 2.12 Relationship to/ Dependencies on, other standards
- 2.13 Links to current projects in development
- 3 Product Name - HL7 V3 XML ITS Data Types R1.1
- 3.1 Standard Category
- 3.2 Integration Paradigm
- 3.3 Type
- 3.4 Topics
- 3.5 Releases
- 3.6 Summary
- 3.7 Description
- 3.8 Business Case (Intended Use, Customers)
- 3.9 Benefits
- 3.10 Implementations/ Case Studies (Actual Users)
- 3.11 Resources
- 3.12 Relationship to/ Dependencies on, other standards
- 3.13 Links to current projects in development
- 4 Product Name - HL7 V3: Implementation Technology Specification - XML Data Types (and ISO Datatypes, R1)
- 4.1 Standard Category
- 4.2 Integration Paradigm
- 4.3 Type
- 4.4 Topics
- 4.5 Releases
- 4.6 Summary
- 4.7 Description
- 4.8 Business Case (Intended Use, Customers)
- 4.9 Benefits
- 4.10 Implementations/ Case Studies (Actual Users)
- 4.11 Resources
- 4.12 Relationship to/ Dependencies on, other standards
- 4.13 Links to current projects in development
- 5 Product Name - HL7 V3: Implementation Technology Specification - UML Data Types
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Product Name - HL7 V3: Implementation Technology Specification - XML Data Types
Standard Category
- Health Information Exchange Standards
Integration Paradigm
- Foundation
Normative, ANSI Standard
- XML Implementation Technology Specification - Data Types
- ANSI/HL7 V3 XMLITSDT, R1-2004: HL7 Version 3 Standard: XML Implementation Technology Specification - Data Types, R1; 4/8/2004
This document specifies the HL7 Version 3 Data Types in the context of their XML Implementation Technology Specification (ITS).
This document is based on the Data Types Abstract Specification, which defines the data types on an abstract layer independent from representation.
What is a Data Type? Data types are the basic building blocks used to construct messages, computerized patient record documents, business objects and their transactions. Data types define the meaning of any given field's value. Without knowing a field's data type, it is impossible to interpret the field's value.
The communication of health information about individuals requires the accurate identification of specific entities and concepts, as well as the expression of complete, frequently complex semantic phrases. On an abstract layer, independent from representation, data types define properties of values. When values are represented, some of their properties are directly represented as atomic literal forms or as data structures. At that point we call those properties "components". On the representation layer we can also distinguish simple data types, represented as atomic literal forms, from complex ones, represented as structures with components. For the implementor, it is important to realize that data types have more properties than shown as components, and that it only depends on the implementation technology and ITS specification what data types are simple or complex and which of their properties are represented as "components" and which are inferred from those components.
Business Case (Intended Use, Customers)
Implementations/ Case Studies (Actual Users)
Work Groups
Implementable Technology Specifications
- See more at
Relationship to/ Dependencies on, other standards
- ISO 11404
Links to current projects in development
- Project Insight ID # 484, Health informatics - Harmonized data types for information interchange (ISO Ballot Project)
Product Name - HL7 V3 ITS, R2; XML Implementation Technology Specification R2 Guide, Release 1
Standard Category
- Health Information Exchange Standards
Integration Paradigm
- Foundation
- HL7 V3 ITS, R2 Informative 2008 May
There are two parts to this guide, a section specifically about the ISO datatypes and then a general guide to the New ITS.
This document describes the rationale for the decisions taken when developing and maintaining the ITS. This information is provided to support the use of the specification, and is not intended to restrict or extend the meaning of that specification.
Where there is a difference, the specification takes priority over this document.
In addition, the guide provides additional implementation existence, including examples and discussions of common design and implementation issues.
The primary change to this document since the last release is the addition of the Datatypes sections.
The New ITS uses the ISO datatypes, which were designed in tandem with the New ITS. The New ITS is required to fully utiltise the ISO datatypes, and the ISO datatypes are required to fully leverage the benefits of the ISO datatypes. This guide is broken into two parts, the ISO datatypes guide, which is presented first, and then the New ITS Guide.
This is the first draft of the ISO data types Guide. The guide provides additional information that is required or useful for using the ISO data types as an implementation of the abstract data types. In particular, this guide provides the direct conformance statement for the ISO data types. Also this guide contains background design for the ISO data types and implementation guidance.
The ITS specification describes the method for creating HL7 implementation models using UML diagrams, XML schema, and (when desired) mappings between an alternative view of a message model and its ’parent’ RIM-Based Model (e.g. RMIM).
It uses the same mechanisms to deliver two very different XML representations of RIM-based information structures:
Stable, more consistent serialization using generic patterns such as Clinical Statement for the XML element names. This builds on the success of the stability of the CDA approach to serialization. Reshaped structures where a RIM-based model (e.g. RMIM) is 'simplified' to meet an implementer view requirement (e.g. mapping to local data models or supporting domain expert review).
Business Case (Intended Use, Customers)
The ITS data types guide provides supporting information for the joint ISO / HL7 healthcare data types specification. The ISO healthcare data types is developed jointly by HL7 and ISO to provide a platform independent data type specification for general use in healthcare specifications, and in particular to be used as part of the ITS in the context of HL7 V3.
This guide outlines the design principles that drove the development of the ISO data types specification; specifies the conformance statement for the ISO data types standard for HL7 V3 (mapping from the ISO data types to the V3 modeling framework) as required by the ISO specification; provides reference and tutorial information to help implementors that are experienced with the previous HL7 V3 XML ITS and provides as yet incomplete documentation for the requirements that supported the design of the data types.
Implementations/ Case Studies (Actual Users)
Work Groups
Implementable Technology Specifications
- See more at
Relationship to/ Dependencies on, other standards
- ISO 11404
Links to current projects in development
- Project Insight ID # 484, Health informatics - Harmonized data types for information interchange (ISO Ballot Project)
Product Name - HL7 V3 XML ITS Data Types R1.1
HL7 Version 3 Standard: XML Implementation Technology Specification for V3 Data Types, Release 1
Standard Category
- Health Information Exchange Standards
Integration Paradigm
- Foundation
- HL7 V3 XMLITS_DT1.1, R1; 2010Jan
This is XML ITS R1.1 for datatypes. It differs from the XML ITS for R2 of the datatypes, which is the ISO Healthcare Datatypes (ISO 21090), in that it only introduces those changes and features of data types R2 that can be introduced into the existing XML ITS R1 without non-backwards change or otherwise creating a requirement for new infrastructure. It is offered as an informative specification to assist with consistency with R2 feature pre-adoption.
What is a Data Type? Data types are the basic building blocks used to construct messages, computerized patient record documents, business objects and their transactions. Data types define the meaning of any given field's value. Without knowing a field's data type, it is impossible to interpret the field's value.
On an abstract layer, independent from representation, data types define properties of values. When values are represented, some of their properties are directly represented as atomic literal forms or as data structures. At that point we call those properties "components". On the representation layer we can also distinguish simple data types, represented as atomic literal forms, from complex ones, represented as structures with components. For the implementor, it is important to realize that data types have more properties than shown as components, and that it only depends on the implementation technology and ITS specification what data types are simple or complex and which of their properties are represented as "components" and which are inferred from those components.
Business Case (Intended Use, Customers)
Implementations/ Case Studies (Actual Users)
Work Groups
Implementable Technology Specifications
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Relationship to/ Dependencies on, other standards
Links to current projects in development
Product Name - HL7 V3: Implementation Technology Specification - XML Data Types (and ISO Datatypes, R1)
Standard Category
- Health Information Exchange Standards
Integration Paradigm
- Foundation
Normative, ANSI Standard
- ISO-Harmonized Data Types, Release 1;
- XML Implementation Technology Specification - Data Types
- ANSI/HL7 V3 XMLITSDT, R1-2004: HL7 Version 3 Standard: XML Implementation Technology Specification - Data Types, R1; 4/8/2004
- HL7 V3 ISO DT, R1-2009: HL7 Version 3 Standard: XML Implementation Technology Specification R2; ISO-Harmonized Data Types, Release 1
This standard provides a globally harmonized (ISO/CEN/HL7) set of representations for data used in the presentation and communication of health care information. This standardized set will be an internationally agreed upon, proper sub-set of data types currently adopted by national and trans-national health care standards development organizations. This document provides a UML and XML implementation of the datatypes, and is in effect Release 2 of the XML ITS datatypes. This document is shared and jointly balloted between HL7, CEN, and ISO.
The communication of health information about individuals requires the accurate identification of specific entities and concepts, as well as the expression of complete, frequently complex semantic phrases. Experience has shown that representation of such data requires that a rich set of data types be built upon the primitive types normally specified for computer software. The set to be specified in this standard will provide the structures necessary to meet the basic requirements of health care information communication.
Business Case (Intended Use, Customers)
The market for and the supply of healthcare software systems is global. There is an increasing demand to be able to communicate health care data between jurisdictions. Following requests from national health informatics programmes, the vendor community and, also, extensive discussion of previous ISO, HL7 and CEN work on data types, an advanced draft of a new International Standard has now been prepared. This standard will promote a common representation that meets these needs and is being advanced as common draft standard in all three communities. 1. updated datatypes for new requirements from HL7 2. simplified technical implementation path as a result of user feedback 3. shared content between HL7, CEN, and ISO.
Implementations/ Case Studies (Actual Users)
Work Groups
Implementable Technology Specifications
- See more at
Relationship to/ Dependencies on, other standards
- ISO 11404
Links to current projects in development
- Project Insight ID # 484, Health informatics - Harmonized data types for information interchange (ISO Ballot Project)
Product Name - HL7 V3: Implementation Technology Specification - UML Data Types
Standard Category
- Health Information Exchange Standards
Integration Paradigm
- Foundation
Normative, ANSI Standard
- ANSI/HL7 V3 UMLITSDT, R1-2004: HL7 Version 3 Standard: UML Implementation Technology Specification - Data Types, Release 1; 4/23/2004
The Abstract Data Types specification includes a Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram that presents the semantic declarations of these data types in a standard UML fashion.
This UML ITS implements the semantics of the Abstract Data Types specification using UML in such a way that HL7 data types are mapped into the core UML and OCL kernel data types where such mappings are appropriate. In addition, this representation uses only established object-orientated formalisms. Since this specification shows how to implement the HL7 data types using the UML core data types and methodology, this specification is an ITS for the data types in UML.
The desired outcomes from this specification include:
- A formally correct UML declaration of the HL7 Data Types
- Enable the use of Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools for model validation, code generation, instance validation, etc
- Enable these same outcomes for downstream HL7 UML artifacts such as the RIM and message structures.
Work Groups
Implementable Technology Specifications
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Relationship to/ Dependencies on, other standards
Links to current projects in development
- None