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February 16th 2010 Security Conference Call

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Security Work Group Weekly Conference Call

Meeting Information



  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes Feb 9, 2010 & Call for Additional Agenda Items
  2. (20 min) Review WG response to Meaningful Use IFR - endorse comments and submit to HL7 leadership
  3. (10 min) DRAFT Harmonized Security and Composite Privacy Domain Analysis Model - Draft will be circulated for Peer Review by COB today
  4. (25 min) Privacy Policy Templates Scope Statement (CBCC Agenda item)
  5. (15 min) Ioana will present a sample CDA R2 Consent Directive Document (CBCC Agenda item)
  6. (05 min) Call for next week's agenda items


1. Action Items

  • Team: Homework for next week's Security and CBCC WG meeting - Complete peer review of the DRAFT Harmonized Security & Composite Privacy Domain Analysis Model. Please bring comments/questions to next week's meeting

2. Resolutions

3. Announcements

4. Discussion

Security/CBCC WG Response to Meaningful Use IFR

  • Glen Marshall and John Moehrke submitted their response to the IFR to the Security and CBCC lists. Their response included comments that were Security/Privacy specific, but also included comments that were not HL7-specific and already submitted on behalf of other SDOs in which they are involved.
  • Given no additional comments were forthcoming from Security and CBCC WGs, it was decided that Glen and John’s comments would be submitted to the HL7 Policy Committee.
  • Pat Pyette made a motion to endorse the comments/response to the MU IFR submitted Glen Marshall and John Moehrke to the Security/CBCC lists for inclusion with the general comments submitted by HL7 to the ONC.
  • Mike made a friendly amendment that only those comments relevant to HL7 be endorsed by the Work Groups.

The motion was seconded by Glen Marshall Vote: 11/1/0 (approve/abstain/oppose)