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20100121 arb minutes

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Minutes Template

Architecture and Review Board Meeting Minutes


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Name PresentWith AffiliationE-mail address
Curry, Jane Yes ArB Health Information
Grieve, Grahame ? ArB Kestral
Julian, Tony ? ArB Mayo
Koisch, John ? ArB
Loyd, Patrick ?ARBGordon point Informatics LTD.
Lynch, Cecil ? ArB ontoreason
Mead, Charlie ? ArB Booz Allen
Nelson, Dale ?Arb
Ocasio, Wendell ?ArBAgilex
Parker, Ron ? ArB CA
Quinn, John ? ArB Health Level Seven,
Shakir, Abdul-Malik ? ArB Shakir
Bear, Yogi(template)?Guest US Dept. Interior, Park

Call to order

The meeting was called to order at

Agenda approval

MMS to approve the agend below <name/name> Vote:(0-0-0)

  • Call to order
  • Approval of agenda
  • Approval of minutes
  • Communication action items
  • Agenda Item 2
  • Agenda Item 3
  • Other business, and planning for next meeting
  • Adjournment

Approval of minutes

MMS to approve the minutes of the <meeting> as posted to <posting site> by <name/name> Vote:(0-0-0)

Agenda Item 1

example of bullet list(s)

  • level 1
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  • level 1

Agenda Item 2

Example of numbered list

  1. Numbered level 1
    1. Numbered level 2
      1. Numbered level 3
      2. Numbered level 3
    2. Numbered level 2
  2. Level 1

Agenda Item 3

Example of grey-boxed note:  The line begins with a space!

Other business, and planning for next meeting


Wiki how-to's

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wiki link with alternate name

[[Agenda_Minutes|Back to Agenda-minutes]]

Back to Agenda-minutes

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document - must have uploaded it prior to accessing!

[[application/msword:Ex_word_document.doc|word document]]

word document

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Fully qualified URL

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[[|HL7 Web site]]

[HL7 Web site]


Tables for HTML programmers

Col1Col 2Col 3Col n
Col1Col 2Col 3Col n

Tables for non-html

Quarter Type Topic Chair Scribe Not available MinutesRcvd
MON Q1 -- Plenary Session -- -- -- N/A



{{InM Open Action Items}}

to create a category

18:14, 29 August 2008 (UTC)

Thursday Q3

  • Call to order
  • Approval of Agenda for Quarter/Day
  • SAEAF and RIMBA Defered to a telcon
  • Results of meeting w/Electronic services( Ron Parker)

Ron Parker: SAEAF deserves its own page, not public. There will be a public page which will refer people to ArB. It will be pointed to from other wiki pages.

Jane Curry: Instead of pointing to gforge, there is now under the ArB front page. Tony will harmonize.

Ron Parker: Met with Conformance and answered their questions.

Ron Parker: Met with Electronic services: We will provide the the HTML to be presented to the public, Electronic Services will apply stylesheets.

Ron Parker: Timelines: PIC has peer review document, Ron talked with Helen about tweaking.

Jane Curry: DId we articulate that the next iteration is due 3week before next WGM.

Ron Parker: For next call will provide project plan for our cycles. We have more budget for Karen's work - two working groups meeting for here time. We need persistant tools to manage versions/content.

Jane Curry: We committed to find out from NCI because they are selecting tools presently.

  • Revisit Governance Scope

Ron Parker: Talked to Charlie about expectations - 10-11 pages - trying to scope down governance to match current release of ECCF and BF.

Jane Curry: My pushback: There is a significant scoping excercise within the governance of the ECCF. Your interoperability community is usually a multiple-community effort. Some are constrained at the ECCF. They need to be in more than one stack.

Ron Parker: I want that in. It is difficult to discuss scoping without the language. Charlie said ECCF and BF gave us a grammer.

Jane Curry: I dont have to do specification?

Ron Parker: No

Jane Curry: In the implementation HL7 will have to address coherence across domain.

Ron Parker: What is needed to support current level of participation? What would the alphas need to know?

Ann Wrightson: I am concerned that people tend to assume that when you do this you are introducing across organization. We need to make concious effort that it be larger than a single interop community.

Jane Curry: Interoperability community needs to assess where focus is required, as well as the spec stack scope. When you start drawing pictures, on what subject, it depends on the share purpose at the subject level. They may make different choices for another subject.

Ann Wrightson We discussed in ITS this morning. Some people can do this, but we need to provide a method for doing it.

Jane Curry: I disagree with your disagreement. At what point are you drawing what from where? It is not top-down driven.

Ann Wrightson I am concerned about the triangle. People only populating the implementable.

Andy Bond: Not only tech stack is computable: It should be a logical transformation. Governance can cover policy and regulation. This will control layer appropriate for community. They can get interoperability at the conceptual level.

Ann Wrightson SOme of the interoperability has not been document.

Andy Bond: It consists of some things that dont work.

Ron Parker: It is fuzzy thinking. The governance Jane needs to express is to governance in terms of ECCF - identifying shared purpose and shared governance. What is formal expression and grammer thereto. How do you govern WG's is a separate conversation.

Jane Curry: Explain "What is needed to support current level of interest and participating.

Ron Parker: Focus on the participatants. Identify formalisms or artifacts (existing or new) required for this expression. People are struggling on what the tangable things look like.

Jane Curry: I got out of tuesday a big change is the idea of authoritative requirements - who is providing, and what is their authority? From headspace? Never Declared? VS requirements stated/external with know ownership.

Ron Parker: Anything else.

Jane Curry: Interconnecting systems have to have relationships to an organization. The problem is when you cross boundaries?

Jane Curry: there are two levels - i will try not to do six.

Ron Parker: Opportunities to extend.

  • Information Framework Sketch

Ann Wrightson Sketched drawing (past link here).

Jane Curry: You dont have to provide context within an environment.

Ann Wrightson all of these are concepts. It applies literally to the UML model, where there are named concepts - same framework in another direction.

Jane Curry: I got into this understanding the granularity of concepts. Definition of addressable storage/atomic unit.

Ron Parker: When I look at this, we are trying to describe a pattern to express the payload in services.

Ann Wrightson You have to bring in the semantic model.

Ron Parker: There is a whole bunch of educational wrapping.

Cecil Lynch: This gets to what I was trying to talk about -tying these together. V2 is not in the charter, but will eventually need to be. We have a v3 framework, but we need a way to provide v2. THe easy way is to use common logic. Trying to explain common logic to everyone is difficult. There are a few things we have to pull in.

Jane Curry: Syntatic model has parts that need to express.

Ann Wrightson It needs work between Cecil and I.Needs to brought forward into practical model. We have to be rigorous about names, and how you find the names. THis is fundamental.

Cecil Lynch: by syntatic model do you mean grammer?

Ann Wrightson This being a schema, but not fixed to. It is the means whereby the structure is expressed - could be a regular expression.

Cecil Lynch: IN common logic Parsed literal would be a sentence. The syntatic model provides the conjuctions?

Ann WrightsonUses the concept representation convention. What you just talked about is at the concept level. You have to do all of the above before you get there.

Cecil Lynch: Common logic covers all of this.

Ron Parker: You are in the problem solving. Jane brought up that many of the community will not understand common logic. YOu have to go through the exercise.

  • Items brought up this meeting

Ron Parker: Tony will transfer JK's email into tracker.

Cecil Lynch: CDA R3 project plan is done. Item 10: ROn will take.

Ron Parker: Discussed agenda for next quarter.

  • Adjournment

Thursday Q4

  • Call to order
  • Approval of Agenda for Quarter
  • Gforge for action items

Ron Parker: Several people will be getting notifications from Gforge.

  • Schedule for SAEAF document Publishing

Ron Parker: Talked to electronic services, and will be pushing out before next WGM. Is it OK to push it out now? Charlie Mead: ECCF is ready. Jane Curry: I need to look at it again. Charlie Mead: I take responsibility for all of the corrections - will push through publishable version of BF by end of weekend. Jane Curry: Intro is original version was from May, We need to ask the intro has timing stuff in it - update all of the time, or take that stuff out. Charlie Mead: Take out timing. Ron Parker: I will review the intro. Charlie Mead: HL7 will have to build implementation guide from HDF. We have releasable ECCF, couple of days to release the BF, first draft of information framework in three weeks. Jane will have governance by Feb 1, 2010. Jane Curry: Will be at same level of scope as ECCF. Charlie Mead: HL7 and others will have to build implementatin guides. Ron Parker: When do we want to do harmonization? Needs to be halfway between WGM's. Ron Parker: There will be an anchor page. I agreed to publish a public declaration on the HL7 Page. Elevator pitch - if you want more, contact the TSC. Charlie Mead: I had to write saeaf-snapshop. I just sent to TSC. We need to all edit it. Charlie will distribute to ArB list. Goal is two pages of text and the tryptic.

Ron will put on next meeting agend.
  • Alpha Facilitation

Ron Parker: Charlie McCay said that the facilitators we not known. I will have rotating agenda Item around updates for saeaf, with facilitators giving 5 minutes once a month.

  • Peer Review

Ron Parker: Discussed peer review with PIC, and will tweak for our needs, circulate peer review, and complete for next WGM.

  • Other business and planning
  • Telcon Schedule

Thursdays at 11:00 Eastern Thursdays at 18:00 Eastern We will have standing agenda Items. Charlie Mead: The more we can make problem solving, not meetings to report what can be read in e-mail.

  • Naming of the SAEAF.

Charlie Mead: Hl7 Services Aware Enterprise Architecture Framework - and interoperability framework. Ron Parker: We we talked as SOA contextualized they were happy. You could assume it is an entire framework. It(the name) seems loaded to services. We keep running up against misunderstandings. Andy Boyd: My suggestion is SAIF. Services Aware Interoperability Framework. Needs strong statement between.

  • Next WGM meeting schedule (day/quarter)

The following will be submitted:

    • Sunday Q1
    • Sunday Q2
    • Sunday Q3
    • Tuesday Q4
    • Thursday Q3
    • Thursday Q4


  • Adjournment