Product RX
Product Brief - V3 Domain: Pharmacy
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Product Name
HL7 V3 RX, R1: HL7 Version 3 Standard: Pharmacy, Release 1
Topic Level Ballots: January 2010
ANSI/HL7 V3 RXMEDORDER, R1-2009 - HL7 Version 3 Standard: Pharmacy: Medication Order, Release 1
HL7 V3 RX MDSE, R1 - HL7 Version 3 Standard: Pharmacy; Medication Dispense and Supply Event, Release 1
- Normative Ballot 2 - January 2010
HL7 V3 RX MSSE, R1 - HL7 Version 3 Standard: Pharmacy; Medication Statement, Release 1
- Normative Ballot 1 - January 2010
HL7 V3 RX CMETs, R1 - HL7 Version 3 Standard: Pharmacy CMETs, Release 10
- Normative Ballot 2 - January 2010
Non-normative (draft) topics not having balloted for more than a year:
- Common Order
- Device Order
- Common Dispense & Supply Event
- Device Dispense & Supply Event
- Generic Patient-Related Pharmacy Query
- Patient Medication Contraindication Query
- Pharmacy Proposed Shared Messages
- Pharmacy Proposed CMETs
- Appendix - Patient-Related Medication Query
- Appendix - Patient-related Device Query
- Appendix - Dosage Instruction
- Appendix - Dose Form Vocabulary
- Appendix - International Specifications
Standard Category
- Health Information Exchange Standards
Integration Paradigm
- Messaging
- Normative, ANSI standard (RXMEDORDER)
- Normative, not yet published (RX MDSE)
- balloting Normative (MSSE, CMETs)
HL7 V3 RX MDSE, R1 - 2009Sep Normative ballot
This topic deals with all content related to the ordering of medications, both for dispensing (supply) and for administration. It is intended to cover community prescribing, discharge prescriptions and institutional medication orders. The models are intended to support the requirements of all jurisdictions.
This message model represents data and associations involved in the creation and storage of a patient's medication order. The order process includes content/concepts related to ordering, dispensing (supply) and administration of prescribed items.
Business Case (Intended Use, Customers)
Implementations/ Case Studies (Actual Users)
Work Groups
Pharmacy WG
- See more at
Links to current projects in development
- Project Insight ID # 558, Medication Order Release 2