Proposal: Person Registry, add query parameter
The Person Registry Query By Demographics (PRPA_RM101306UV) model (used for the Person Registry Find Candidates Query interaction) has a "PersonDeceasedTime" query parameter.
What parameter do I use if I only want to see "living persons" in the response? (The Norwegian national person registry contains lots of deceased persons).
There is a query parameter called "IdentifiedPersonStatusCode", but that's the status of the entity and doesn't necessarily have a direct relationship with the person being deceased.
I propose to add a "DeceasedPerson" (boolean, linked to the value of LivingSubject.deceasedInd and LivingSubject.deceasedTime - if either indicates the person has deceased) as a query parameter.
Gregg: The WG has generally been receptive to adding parameters to queries to support documented requirements. Do members of the PAFM list have opinions regarding how many registries categorize persons as deceased without recording a deceased date?
Accoring to InM: Having a link between one parameter and multiple RIM attributes isn't a probmem.
Motion 2009-01-14 PA: Add a "DeceasedPerson" (boolean, linked to the value of LivingSubject.deceasedInd and LivingSubject.dateOfDeath - if either indicates the person has deceased) as a query parameter to Person Registry Query By Demographics (PRPA_RM101306UV). (René/Irma, 7-0-1)
Content of New Material
This section contains a description of the changes that are to be made to the current material.
- Edit the Person Registry Query By Demographics (PRPA_RM101306UV) visio, add a new optional (0..1) query parameter class, with a boolean data type for the value attribute, and the default value 'PersonDeceased' for semanticsText attribute.
- Add documentation to section 2.5.7 (PRPA_RM101306UV), in the ParameterList section:
- PersonDeceased - the PersonDeceased parameter can limit the search to persons that are alive, or to deceased persons.