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Security Use Cases

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Security Use Cases


The following page is intended to allow all Security WG stakeholders to record their security use cases.

Please follow the format provided here to enter your requirements as use cases.

Authenticate users and systems

This use case is based on the IN.1.1 Entity Authentication function in EHR Functional Model - Infrastructure.

"Both users and applications are subject to authentication. The EHR-S must provide mechanisms for users and applications to be authenticated. Users will have to be authenticated when they attempt to use the application, the applications must authenticate themselves before accessing EHR information managed by other applications or remote EHR-S’. In order for authentication to be established a Chain of Trust agreement is assumed to be in place. Examples of entity authentication include:

  • username/ password
  • digital certificate
  • secure token
  • biometrics."


Basic Scenario


Authorize users and systems

This use cases is based on "IN1.2 Entity Authorization" function in EHR Functional Model - Infrastructure.

"Manage the sets of access control permissions granted to entities that use an EHR-S (EHR-S Users). Enable EHR-S security administrators to grant authorizations to users, for roles, and within contexts. A combination of these authorization categories may be applied to control access to EHR-S functions or data within an EHR-S, including at the application or the operating system level.

EHR-S Users are authorized to use the components of an EHR-S according to their identity, role, work-assignment, location and/or the patient’s present condition and the EHR-S User’s scope of practice within a legal jurisdiction.

  • User based authorization refers to the permissions granted or denied based on the identity of an individual. An example of User based authorization is a patient defined denial of access to all or part of a record to a particular party for privacy related reasons. Another user based authorization is for a tele-monitor device or robotic access to an EHR-S for prescribed directions and other input.
  • Role based authorization refers to the responsibility or function performed in a particular operation or process. Example roles include: an application or device (tele-monitor or robotic); or a nurse, dietician, administrator, legal guardian, and auditor.
  • Context-based Authorization is defined by ISO 10181-3 Technical Framework for Access Control Standard as security relevant properties of the context in which an access request occurs, explicitly time, location, route of access, and quality of authentication. For example, an EHR-S might only allow supervising providers’ context authorization to attest to entries proposed by residents under their supervision. In addition to the ISO standard, context authorization for an EHR-S is extended to satisfy special circumstances such as, work assignment, patient consents and authorizations, or other healthcare-related factors. A context-based example is a patient-granted authorization to a specific third party for a limited period to view specific EHR records. Another example is a right granted for a

limited period to view those, and only those, EHR records connected to a specific topic of investigation."


Basic Scenario


Enforce privacy policy and consent directives (access control)

This use cases is based on IN.1.1 "Entity Access Control" function in EHR Functional Model - Infrastructure.

"Verify and enforce access control to all EHR-S components, EHR information and functions for end-users, applications, sites, etc., to prevent unauthorized use of a resource.

Description: Entity Access Control is a fundamental function of an EHR-S. To ensure that access is controlled, an EHRS must perform authentication and authorization of users or applications for any operation that requires it and enforce the system and information access rules that have been defined."


Basic Scenario


Enforce authenticity of legal healthcare documents

This use cases is based on IN.1.5 "Non-Repudiation" function in EHR Functional Model - Infrastructure.

"Limit an EHR-S user’s ability to deny (repudiate) the origination, receipt, or authorization of a data exchange by that user.

Description: An EHR-S allows data entry and data access to a patient's electronic health record and it can be a sender or receiver of healthcare information. Non repudiation guarantees that the source of the data record can not later deny that it is the source; that the sender or receiver of a message cannot later deny having sent or received the message. For example, non-repudiation may be achieved through the use of a: - Digital signature, which serves as a unique identifier for an individual (much like a written signature on a paper document). - Confirmation service, which utilizes a message transfer agent to create a digital receipt (providing confirmation that a message was sent and/or received) and - Timestamp, which proves that a document existed at a certain date and time. Date and Time stamping implies the ability to indicate the time zone where it was recorded (time zones are described in ISO 8601 Standard Time Reference). "


Basic Scenario


Enforce secure exchange of personal health records

This use cases is based on IN.1.6 "Secure Data Exchange" function in EHR Functional Model - Infrastructure.

"Secure all modes of EHR data exchange.

Description: Whenever an exchange of EHR information occurs, it requires appropriate security and privacy considerations, including data obfuscation as well as both destination and source authentication when necessary. For example, it may be necessary to encrypt data sent to remote or external destinations. A secure data exchange requires that there is an overall coordination regarding the information that is exchanged between EHR-S entities and how that exchange is expected to occur. The policies applied at different locations must be consistent or compatible with each other in order to ensure that the information is protected when it crosses entity boundaries within an EHR-S or external to an EHR-S."


Basic Scenario
