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February 24th Security Conference Call
Revision as of 18:19, 24 February 2009 by Suzannegw (talk | contribs) (→Security Working Group Meeting)
Security Working Group Meeting
==Attendees== (expected)
- Mike Davis Security Co-chair
- Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-chair
- Rob McClure
- John Moehrke
- Richard Thoreson CBCC Co-chair
- Ioana Singureanu
- David Sperzel
- Tony Weida
- Craig Winter
- (05 min) Roll Call
- (05 min) Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
- (15 min) Proposed Update to Operations vocabulary - Tony Weida Operations Vocabulary spreadsheet
A - Code B - Print name C - Synonyms - D - specialization (and gray areas for E - 'Mode' the nature of the nodes for vocabulary (selectable or non-selectable, previously as specialized/non-specializable) is not a leaf is selectable for coding in your model. i.e. archive in privacy and consent can be done in an abstract section. F - Descritpion; may be updated due to worthsmithing, or other G - Description taken from ActStateTransitioinOperation
- H - L, Proposed Value Sets
- I,J,I collection, may/may not be used in collection use and disclosure (suggested value sets to be entered in the the 'represetative domain' to work if appropriate by any HL7 realm)
- (15 min) Item2
- (15 min) Item3
- (5 min) Other Business