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MnM Minutes WGM 200901

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Revision as of 21:46, 12 January 2009 by Cgpmd (talk | contribs) (→‎Minutes)
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Sunday Q3


  • Agenda Topics Review
  • Hot Topics Triage


See updated agenda.

Sunday Q4


  • Tooling Discussion


  • SVN and Publishing
    • Directories
    • Branches and tags for ballots and normative edition
      • Tag - a "badge" applied to each member of a set of files saying those files belong to a set identified by the tag. Implemented in SVN as a "tag folder" with a set of pointers to the content. Seen as a "folder" under "tags" (sibling to "trunk") one folder/per assigned tag
        • Branch is defined "at a particular version" and is a new set of files and changes that may differ from the trunk.
      • Proposal
        • Use tags to identify each ballot.
          • Applied at the end of the ballot cycle (1 week before close).
          • Include a domain "manifest" for each domain.
        • Use branch to hold each Normative Edition, with NO INTENT to merge later.
      • Observation -- be CONSERVATIVE and only version that which
        • (a) is needed for publishing, and
        • (b) needs version management

Monday Q1


  • Business Meeting (SWOT, DMPs, etc.)


  • Reviewed SWOT
  • Reviewed and updated MnM Strategic Plan, in particular to define the committee's role in SAEAF.
  • Discussed the future role of MnM
    • Should MnM own the Data Types?
    • Is MnM active enough in SAEAF? The consensus was that we probably have not been.
  • Woody will create a draft for a scope statement for the SAEAF related activities.
  • Woody urged the other co-chairs to attend the Steering Division calls.

Monday Q2


  • RIM and Core Principles ballot reconcilliation
  • Proposed re-org of document from technical editors


  • We reviewed Ravi's comments on the RIM ballot (the ballot was for comment only).
    • COMMENT -- The codingStrength identifiers are moved into the vocabulary models. So at present user has to traverse back and forth between rim and vocabulary's to get this information which is very tedious.
      • RESPONSE -- Suggest that the representation for CNE of structural attributes be picked up from Vocabulary and displayed in RIM representation.
    • COMMENT -- The list of structural attributes needs to present which is missing. At the moment present the partial list is present in the XML_ITS specification document. CfH harmonisation proposal dated FEB 2006 related to this (discussed and accepted) is never implemented so far.
      • RESPONSE -- Add immutable status after "Mandatory" in the attribute detail. Also include a list of immutable attributes in an appendix.
    • COMMENT -- The cardinality for these attributes ( and Attachment.text) are 1..1 which similar to the structural attributes. Are these attributes Mandatory similar to Act.classCode or Do they have to be marked 0..1 as against to 1..1.
      • RESPONSE -- Prepare a harmonization proposal to either assert that these are required, or make them 0..1. Other option is to display "not required" for all attributes with a blank conformance indicator.
  • Discussion of reorganizing the Core Principles document.

Monday Q3


  • RIM and Core Principles Ballot


  • Review of comments on the RIM ballot (comment only ballot).
    • Comment by Tom de Jong
      • We need to review Exposure and Procedure to make sure their definitions are appropriate since SubstanceAdministration. If needed, a harmonization proposal should be submitted to handle this.
    • Comments by Rita Hall
      • See spreadsheet
    • Comments by Agha Kahn
      • Spreadsheet was empty.
    • Comments by Austin Kreisler
      • See spreadsheet
    • Comments by Rene Sponk
      • See spreadsheet

  • We will propose to the Facilitators' Roundtable that we intend to do a harmonization call on February 27th.

Monday Q4


  • Transition to Datatypes (& Wrappers?) R2


  • Transition to Dataypes R2
    • SET → DSET
    • CE → CD
    • GTS → QSET<TS>
    • BAG<T> → COLL<T>
    • IVL<INT> → INT
    • IVL<PQ> → PQ
  • Lloyd and Grahame will document mappings.
  • The mappings will be documented as tagged annotations of the R1 attributes in the database.

Tuesday Q1 -- No Meeting

Tuesday Q2 -- No Meeting

Tuesday Q3


  • Design Patterns:
    • Guidance on "Organizational Role is part of Organizational Role"
    • Request Responses (one receiver responsibility vs. two)
  • OIDs Registry


Tuesday Q4 -- No Meeting