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December 4, 2018 Security Conference Call
Revision as of 00:57, 11 December 2018 by Kathleenconnor (talk | contribs)
x | Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | |||
. | John Moehrke Security Co-chair | x | Kathleen Connor Security Co-chair | . | Alexander Mense Security Co-chair | . | Trish Williams Security Co-chair | |||
x | Christopher Shawn Security Co-chair | x | Suzanne Gonzales-Webb | . | Mike Davis | x | David Staggs | |||
x | Diana Proud-Madruga | . | Johnathan Coleman | . | Francisco Jauregui | . | Joe Lamy | |||
x | Theresa Ardal Connor | . | Greg Linden | . | Grahame Grieve | x | Dave Silver | |||
. . | Beth Pumo | . | Jim Kretz | . | Peter Bachman | . | Peter VanLiesdonk |
- (2 min) Roll Call, Agenda Approval
- (5 min) Review and Approval of Minutes November 27, 2018
- (5 min) PSAF Vol 3 Provenance Ballot - Mike/Chris
- (10 min) GDPR Vocabulary Call - Peter
- (10 min) FHIR Security call update FHIRcast will be presenting at FHIR-Security call on December 11th -- HL7 FHIR Security 2018-12-11- John
- (15 min) 201901 Security WGM Agenda wiki style & 201901 Security WGM Agenda Confluence Style Begin editing - Kathleen
Meeting Minutes
Chair: Kathleen Connor Meeting Minutes Approval: (JohnM/ChrisS)
- Vote: 6-0-0
PSAF Volume 3 - Provenance Ballot
- ballot submitted, on Sunday
GDPR Call on implementation of GDPR on Monday
- white paper on a more high level implemnation of GDPR, we need guidance on the technical aspect
- requires new ocabular
- how would we do that is a topic of discussion; we are taking current vocab and see how it lines up #2, implement along GPDR lines and see what needs to be updated/or not changed
- we tend to go along the second, where we take a look at use cae and see whre our current vocab leads us and locate gaps and what we need to update
- Jojo, Peter suggested changes
FHIR Secuity
- Issaac is going to present the current progress with FHIR Cast to us next week on the FHIR Security call, FHIRCast is a new functionally equiv to CCOW that is more bowser app FHIR friends. its not reimagined ccow, they're gong at it in the fhir way---where its most needed that implemented. ist is a derivteve of work
- we are asked 9security wg) to be a stakeholder.
- we can pull out identified ccow risks (from previsouls)
Motion to Adjorn (ChrisS) Meeting adjorned at 1:29 Arizona Time --Suzannegw (talk) 15:29, 4 December 2018 (EST) Back to Security Main Page