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December 18, 2018 CBCP Conference Call
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December 18, 2018 CBCP Conference Call
Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | |||||
x | Johnathan Coleman CBCP Co-Chair | x | Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCP Co-Chair | x | Jim Kretz CBCP Co-Chair | x | David Pyke CBCP Co-Chair | ||||
x | Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair | . | Mike Davis | . | John Moehrke Security Co-Chair | . | Diana Proud-Madruga | ||||
x | Chris Shawn | x | Irina Connelly | x | Joe Lamy | . | Greg Linden | ||||
. | Dave Silver | x | Francisco Jauregui | x | Mark Meadows | x | Jack Wallace | ||||
x | David Staggs | . | Beth Pumo | . | EricLarson | x | Becky Angeles | ||||
. | Mohammad Jafari | x | Ken Salyards | . | Bonnie Young | x | Greg White | ||||
. | Katie Sullivan | . | [mailto: ] | . | [mailto: ] | . | [mailto: |
Agenda DRAFT
- Roll Call, Agenda Review
- Meeting Minutes approval:
- December 11 Minutes Wiki location: December 11 Meeting Minutes
- December 04 Minutes Wiki location: December 04 Meeting Minutes
- REMINDER: No meetings December 25, January 01
- eLTSS Update - Irina / Becky
- Document update (post ballot resolution)
- Review eLTSS FHIR IG proposal
- FHIR proposal page - FHIR IG Proposal
- DS4P Reaffirmation Ballot - Update
- FHIR Consent / Consent-Contract Discovery White Paper
- FHIR CPs for review
- FHIR Consent CPs are located: link to ALL Consent Change requests
- HL7 WGM January 2019 - San Antonio, Texas Agenda DRAFT (next week) - please send topics for discussion to Suzanne
- Johnathan White House update
Meeting Minutes DRAFT
Meeting Chair: Review of Agenda, Roll Call
Agenda approval
Meeting Minutes Approval
December 04
- Vote:
December 11
- Vote:
DS4P Reaffirmation
- consensus pool closed, ballot open, under review by potential balloters
FHIR Consent
- White paper -
- San Antonio, Texas Agenda HL7 WGM Agenda - DRAFT
- Suzanne/Kathleen to coordinate Security/CBCP agenda topics
- overview for S&P HIMSS Demo MikeD
- Provenance results from ballot MikeD
- NIST/automated tools for composing IGs for HL7 V2 standards and test case generation - can we get these guys to produce another IG? They have corrected errors/across IGs in HL7 (approx. an hour); presentation given to the VA; possible Demo? John Garculio; Snelik
- add White House report - Johnathan
TUESDAY Remove Patient Choice
- Q2 - eLTSS FHIR IG Discussion
- Q3 - potentially DS4P reaffirmation discussion/ballot (Jim to check PAC agenda to make sure added); also to add privacy mark for CUI)
- also DS4P for BH
- Q4 - (joint w Security) Consent/Contract comparison
Birds of a Feather - Suzanne to Update
- Q1
- Q2 - admin time
- Q3
- Q4 - (joint with Security) GDPR discussion
- Q1 - Consent, FHIR (DavidP)
- Q3 - admin time
interoperatbility barriers; Johnathan there to talk about P&S considerations
- white house voted back on the items state made
- break out sections - secutry andpivati - white house Ku
- speakers, presentation from VA focused on BLue/Blue #2, followup on convo facilitated by dr. rucker; relief of th enew rule--when it would come out--would go through OMB clearance now; once out it will be published--expected to include EHR cert req, adoption of TEFCA and information blocking; which may be pertinent to CBCP WG
- abie to talke about Security labeslk, reemphasixe …
- authorization of who gets to see data
- appeared to be well received.
- once the OMB rule comes out expect to see more
- TEFCA will be released for another round of comments; Johnathan will be talking about TEFCA at hIMSS
end of agenda.
Motion to adjorn (Johnathan) Meeting adjorned at 1041 ARizona Time