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Negation project ballot outline
Revision as of 14:19, 6 July 2017 by Jlyle (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Return to Negation Requirements Proposed # Problem statement # Goals # Approach ## Collection of examples ## Scope boundaries ## Classification - frameworks, uses ## Deri...")
Return to Negation Requirements
- Problem statement
- Goals
- Approach
- Collection of examples
- Scope boundaries
- Classification - frameworks, uses
- Derivation of guidelines
- Analysis
- Patterns of content, Patterns of use - move up to Approach?
- Model
- Guidelines
- Appendices
- examples, classified
May outline
- Introduction
- Approach
- Collection of examples
- Boundaries
- Classification
- Analysis
- Guidelines
- Analysis
- Issues
- Patterns of content
- Patterns of use
- Contexts of use
- Guidelines
- Appendices
- A examples
- B classification
- C UML model
AMIA outline
- Introduction
- Objective
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusions