October 23, 2018 Security Conference Call
x | Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | |||
. | John Moehrke Security Co-chair | x | Kathleen Connor Security Co-chair | . | Alexander Mense Security Co-chair | . | Trish Williams Security Co-chair | |||
. | Christopher Shawn Security Co-chair | x | Suzanne Gonzales-Webb | x | Mike Davis | x | David Staggs | |||
x | Diana Proud-Madruga | . | Johnathan Coleman | x | Francisco Jauregui | x | Joe Lamy | |||
. | Rhonna Clark | . | Greg Linden | . | Grahame Grieve | x | Dave Silver | |||
. | Beth Pumo | x | Jim Kretz | . | Peter Bachman | . | Bo Dagnall | |||
. | [mailto: ] | . | [mailto: ] | . | [mailto: ] | . | [mailto: ] |
- (2 min) Roll Call, Agenda Approval
- (5 min) Review and Approval of Minutes
- October 16, 2018
- Report on TF4FA document update
- Update on revision of PASS Audit
- (10 min) TF4FA Trust Framework, Volume 3 - Update Mike, Chris
- (10 min) CUI in Healthcare Background, history, general requirements, and implications for healthcare - Chris Shawn
- (10 min) CUI Harmonization Proposal - Kathleen
- (10 min) FHIR Security Update - John
- (05 min) GDPR whitepaper on FHIR Update - Alex
Meeting Materials
- CUI Rule 32 CFR Part 2002
- SP 800-171A
- CUI Marking Handbook
- CUI Health Information Category
- CUI Registry: Limited Dissemination Controls
- CUI Policy and Guidance
- CUI Glossary
- CUI Updated Training Videos
Introduction to Marking CUI (updated August 6, 2018) Introduction to Marking CUI (updated August 6, 2018) This video provides an overview of how to mark documents, emails, presentations, systems, and other files that contain CUI. It specifically addresses the designation indicator and the CUI banner marking, including the CUI control marking, CUI category markings, and Limited Dissemination Control Markings. It also discusses portion marking, the use of cover sheets, marking multi-page documents, and decontrolling CUI. NIST CUI Security Requirements Workshop 10/18/18 Everything you ever wanted to know about CUI
- CUI Security Requirements Workshop Agenda
- Workshop Video
- Controlled Unclassified Information: Unauthorized Disclosure: Prevention and Reporting
Meeting Minutes DRAFT
Chair, TBD Roll Taken, Agenda reviewed, updates made as requested
- Motion to approve 9/18 meeting minutes
- Move / Second 0-0-0
TF4FA Ballot Reconciliation
Reviewed Ballot comments: 129 - 161 for vote next week 10/23.
- PASS Audit document update
- Volume 3
- Security WG 3 Year Plan
- Securithy Confluence
- FHIR Security Update
- GDPR whitepaper on FHIR Update
No additional discussion items brought forward Meeting adjourned at 1258? --Suzannegw (talk) 21:55, 19 September 2018 (EDT)