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March 13, 2018 Security Conference Call

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x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
. John Moehrke Security Co-chair x Kathleen Connor Security Co-chair . Alexander Mense Security Co-chair . Trish Williams Security Co-chair
x Christopher Shawn Security Co-chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb x Mike Davis x David Staggs
. Mohammed Jafari x Beth Pumo . Ioana Singureanu . Rob Horn
x Diana Proud-Madruga . Serafina Versaggi . Joe Lamy . Greg Linden
. Paul Knapp . Grahame Grieve x Johnathan Coleman . Aaron Seib
. Ken Salyards x Jim Kretz . Gary Dickinson x Dave Silver
. Oliver Lawless . Joyce Dunlop . David Tao . Nathan Botts
x Francisco Jauregui . Bo Dagnall . Riki Merrick . Theresa Connor

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  1. (2 min) Roll Call, Agenda Approval
  2. (3 min) Review and Approval of March 6, 2018 minutes
  3. (15 min) review FHIR Verification Result resource relative to Provenance Brian Postlethwaite (PA)
  4. (15 min) TF4FA Report Out from PSAF call - Mike Davis and Chris Shawn
  5. (20 min) March Harmonization Proposals for final submission Review for approval - Kathleen - see Meeting Materials for links to proposals.


Roll Call, Meeting Minutes approval Meeting minutes for March 6, Suzanne/Mike)

  • VOTE Approve: 7,

FHIR Verification Result Resource

TF4FA - report from PSAF

  • Mike presented the models developed, updated.
  • New model added for the trust proposal message.
  • Edits done to clarify authorities, working in to fill the content
  • Changed the business view to be consistent to RM-ODP methodology.
  • Mike does not think there is a conflict between Volume 1, Volume 2 behavioral model because they address orthogonal requirements.
  • Timelines discussed to put items together, we'd like to get it out for review, but it needs to be out by the end of the month
  • Mike to post a slide deck with the models for consideration as the text will be primarily aimed at articulating the models. TF4FA Model Overview deck

Harmonization - Kathleen

  • Purpose - Overview of Vocabulary and V2 Proposals
    • bringing security labels into v2 is the key
    • Proposal status updates
    • refinements of BH, and PSY - rationale for change discussed in detail:
    • for specializing BH information sensitive - recognition of the distinct specialization - were not so fine grained to be diagnosis; intellectual disabilities
    • TBI, dyslexia, hearing, blindness - these are cognitive but the physical capabilities remain intact where they have an inability to be self-sufficient (difference between developmental disabilities vs motor function/self-sustaining) - involves different programs/different stigma
    • emotional disturbances - protects people with interim diagnosis (i.e. non-confirmed diagnosis) i.e. teenager with substance abuse disorder where they can come out of it) also not-easily diagnosed MH issues that do not fall in the earlier categories
      • physician requested, bringing in V3 codes
    • Alcohol use disorder (already approved
    • Patient default information sensitivity - description incorrect, corrected
    • physician requested information sensitivity - use case different from current TBOO sensitivity

Final Proposals due March 16

MOTION Made to approve these as final Opposed: none; Abstentions: none: approved: 7

Meeting adjourned at 1255 PM Arizona Time

Meeting Materials

Final Proposals and Presentation

  • [2018Mar_ HARM_ FINALPROPOSAL_ VOCAB_ SECURE_ kathleen_ connor_ Security Authorization and Delegation ActCodes_ 20180316163407.doc
  • [2018Mar_HARM_FinalPROPOSAL_VOCAB_Security_ulrike_merrick_Sec1_Confid_HL70952v1.docx
  • [2018Mar_ HARM_ FINALPROPOSAL_ VOCAB_ SECURE_ kathleen_ connor_ Updates to ActReason_ PurposeOfUse codes_ 20180316131445.docx Updates to V3 Purpose of Use Codes, and inclusion of all Security Control Policy Codes into V2 for security labeling.]
  • [2018Mar_ HARM_ FINALPROPOSAL_ VOCAB_ SECURE_ kathleen_ connor_ Updates to ActCode_ _ InformationSensitivityPolicy_ 20180316125109.docx Updates to V3 Information Sensitivity Policy Codesand inclusion of all Information Sensitivity Policy Codes into V2 for security labeling.]]
  • March 2018 Harmonization Proposal Presentation

Initial Proposals