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Changes from a Leaf (Code) Selection

The figure at right shows the various options that can be selected when a Leaf node is selected in the Value Set Navigator window, and the right mouse button is clicked. In each case, the menu selection starts a process to define changes to be applied to the selected Coded Concept.

These selections are intended to cover all possible operations on a leaf node. In aggregate, the functions provided include:

  • Move the code under another code;
  • Retire (delete) the code;
  • Update the code Description;
  • Update the code Print Name; and
  • Add an additional Print Name to the code.
Menu selections from a leaf (code) node

Move Code

Many of the Code Systems in HL7 have a hierarchical representation of the code contents such that placing one code "under" another means that the child code represents a subtype of the parent code. This code action moves a Concept Code from its original parent to a new parent in the Code System.

  1. Within the Value Set Navigator select the Leaf node that that is to be Moved
  2. Right click on the selected node
  3. Select Move Code (see menu at right)
  4. At present (Early October 2007) nothing happens and this function is not available.
Move Code menu

Retire Code

Once a Coded Concept has been added to a Code System, its code value can never be reused. Thus one cannot delete a code, rather the code must be retired which prevents its future use or display.

  1. Within the Value Set Navigator select the Leaf node with the code to be retired.
  2. Right click on the selected node
  3. Select Retire Code (see menu at right)
Retire Code menu
  1. The wizard presents the Retire Code page (as at right)
  2. The upper pane of this page displays the particulars of the Coded Concept to be retired.
  3. The lower pane provides a check-box option to do a Permanent Delete. If this box is not checked, it will be possible to "un-retire" the code in the future. If the box is checked, the code must always remain retired.
  4. If the code is the correct one, and after checking the option, if desired, click Finish to complete the process.
Retire Code: Select "Delete permanent" and verify

Update Code Description

Update Description: menu
Update Description: enter new description

Update Code PrintName

Update Code Print name: menu
Update Code Print name: Enter new name, language and preference.

Add PrintName to Code

Add Print Name menu
  1. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country, or forever hold their peace, so that I can create a really long description to force the table to the right.
Add Print Name: enter name, language, preference