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2017-11-01 Conference Call minutes
Revision as of 17:02, 2 November 2017 by Emma jones (talk | contribs)
- Michael Padula
- Evelyn Gallego
- Stephen Chu
- Russel Leftwich
- Emma Jones
- Jay Lyle
- Joe Quinn
- George Dixon
Child Health Content Mapping
- C-CDA mapping Update provided by Mike Padula
- Modeling the ketogenic diet and aligning it with the nutritional work.
- Instruction template use for medications and nutrition recommendations
- Suggestion made that the SDWG future prohibition templates can be used for things like procedure contraindications
Care Plan DAM
- Overview of Care Plan DAM mapping diagram provided by Stephen Chu
- Evelyn suggest adding the Renal Care Plan and LTSS implementation guide as a place holder for now
Obligation OR prohibition instruction templates
- New advance directive and advance care planning template presented by Lisa Nelson
- Advance directive observations is forward facing
- What about the right now situation - while in hosp and something happen, do this- decision about what to do has been made.
- See Obligation, Prohibition Templates and notes taken during the call
- Use prohibition template for things that are "don't do"
- Value set is to have the concepts that is specific - value set used in these template is dynamic and CWE. Can use nullflavor and have originalText when the action is not in the valueset.
- Discussion about whether this is an order, or instructions and if it should point to progress notes or other documents