201709 Implantables Tracking
Track Name
Point-of-care Medical Device and Implantable Tracking
Submitting WG/Project/Implementer Group
This track provides a set of simple test cases for Tracking Medical Devices (i.e. diagnostic, therapeutic, monitoring) and Implantables (biologics/tissue/cells and non-biologics/life-supporting/life-sustaining) at point of care addresses current problems relate to information accuracy and it provides procedure contextual information
- Implantable medical devices are costly and concerns about illegitimate (i.e., counterfeit, stolen) products has become a global issue
- Post-market surveillance of implantable medical devices can be challenging
- Implantable medical device adverse events and recalls pose a patient safety issue
- Acquiring medical device data used at the point-of-care is difficult to retrieve for reuse at a later time
Proposed Track Lead
Ioana Singureanu, VA/BZI, Skype: ioanasingureanu See Connectathon_Track_Lead_Responsibilities
Expected participants
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Magpie360
- Eversolve, LLC
Please include information here regarding how much advance preparation will be required if creating a client and/or server.
Point-of-Care Implantable Tracker
VA - register medical devices, create/update point-of-care procedure information, query patient based on identifier scanned at the point-of-care
Point-of-Care Implantable Registry
Eversolve, LLC - store
Register Implantable Only
- Action:
- Precondition:
- Success Criteria:
- Bonus point:
Register Device and Procedure Only
- Action:
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- Success Criteria:
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