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FHIR Infrastructure Minutes CC 20170130
Revision as of 09:30, 31 January 2017 by Ewoutkramer (talk | contribs)
FHIR Infrastructure Conference Call 3:00PM Eastern Time (Date above)
Return to FHIR Infrastructure Minutes
- DAF Block vote (as sent out as an Excel sheet)
- FHIR-I Block vote (as sent to the FHIR mailing list)
- Tracker item 12641
- Ewout (Chair)
- Josh Mandel
- Nagesh Bashyam
- Richard Ettema
- Rob Hausam
- Brett Marquard
- Bryn Rhodes
- Eric Haas
Agenda Item 1 - DAF Block vote
Block vote was handled by Brett, * Nothing was retracted, no comments. Moved by Brett Marquard, seconded by Bryn Rhodes - 0 against, 1 abstain, 6 for
Agenda Item 1
Goes here