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June 29 2016 Education Telecon

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Call to Order

  • Call and Gotomeeting info:

Wednesday, 4PM EDT Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 447895

Review prior minutes

Prior meeting minutes were approved

Review prior action items (cover with topics)

New Webinar/Class Ideas

  • Vocabulary (timing)
  • HL7 for Clinicians
  • Prior action item: Virginia to send query to Clinician Listserv re: learning objectives for HL7 for Clinicians webinar
  • Prior action item: Melissa has an appointment with clinician in workgroup re: HL7 for Clinicians webinar
  • Facilitators Webinar: 3 part series, offer once per week in November

September WGM Brochure Updates

  • Brochure complete

Certification Updates

  • Professional Cert classes: Idea for addition to this track - how to train, give tests, guidelines on writing questions, "train the trainer" competencies. Let's socialize this idea at the September WGM luncheon
  • Arden Syntax
  • FHIR Cert: Still beta testing with core team
  • Discussion on standardizing the certification process
    • Can we provide any support to this process to give some consistency to our certifications?
    • Should we suggest an overarching governance process for certification exams going forward for new standards?
    • Moving forward, when we certify in new technologies:
      • Application to take test, meet minimum requirements
      • Maintain certification by CEUs or retake,
  • Other cert test ideas

PSS for One Day Summit

  • Prior action item: Melissa and Virginia to discuss possible pilot PSS event
  • Status
  • Need Beta

January Grid-work

  • Related action items:
    • MaryAnne to send Melissa tutorial specifications
    • Melissa and Heather to review FHIR tutorial blurbs

Education Marketing Ideas (Melissa)


  • Status

Other reports from headquarters

Mission statement review

  • recommend we table till WGM
