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May 2007 WGM: V3 Implementation Case Studies

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Revision as of 14:45, 20 March 2007 by Charliemccay (talk | contribs)
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Note that none of these are confirmed, but all have offered to do something so I am hopeful

  • Q1
    • Michael Tan (invited 20/3/07)
    • Helen Stevens (invited 20/3/07) (confirmed 20/3/07) (switch with PK to pm?)
  • Q2
    • UK
      • BT Joe Waller (invited 20/3/07) (confirmed 20/3/07)
      • Cerner Gaby Jewell (invited 20/3/07) (maybe 20/3/07)
      • Robert Worden (invited 20/3/07)
    • Oracle (invited 20/3/07)
  • Q3
    • Liora (invited 20/3/07)
    • Paul Knapp (invited 20/3/07)(confirmed 20/3/07) (switch with HS to am?)
  • Round Table
    • Ann Wrightson
    • Mead Walker
    • Rene Sprong
    • Sarah Ryan

Form submitted describing tutorial

Tutorial Information

Tutorial Name: V3 Implementation Case Studies

[ ] This tutorial is currently being offered. Please use the tutorial information that was used for the _______________________________ meeting.

[ ] This tutorial has been offered in the past. Please use the tutorial information that was used for the _______________________________________ WGM.

Brief General Description Of This Tutorial:

The first three quarters will be a number of extended case studies from those with experience of implementing HL7v3. The presenters will cover both the benefits of using HL7v3 in their projects, and the challenges that they faced, and how they were overcome.

The case studies will be followed in the fourth quarter by a panel discussion where a number of implementers will answer questions that have been supplied in advance by those registered for the session, as well as taking questions on the day. The objective will be to expose how to get the most value out of using HL7v3 today with reference to real examples.

Date To Meet: Wednesday

Length of Meeting:  Full Day

Time of Meeting: Full day

Primary Faculty Name: Charlie McCay

HL7 affiliation: HL7UK

Job Title: Healthcare Interoperability Consultant

Company: Ramsey Systems Ltd

Co-Faculty Names: TBC

HL7 affiliation:

Job Title:


Who Will Benefit From This Tutorial?: All who have active HL7v3 implementations, or who are thinking of having implementations in the future

Upon completion of this tutorial, students will know: What other implementers have done to make their projects work, and what they would have done earlier if they knew then what they know now

Prerequisites (if applicable): Interest in implementation

Tools Needed (if applicable):None