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HL7 FHIR Security 2016-4-5

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Weekly: Tuesday at 05:00 EST (2 PM PST)

Conference Audio: 770-657-9270,' Access: 845692

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Back to HL7 FHIR security topics


Member Name Member Name Member Name
. John Moehrke Security Co-Chair x Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair
. Gary Dickinson EHR Co-Chair . Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair . Mike Davis
. Reed Gelzer RM-ES Lead x Glen Marshal . Galen Mulrooney
. Dave Silver . Rob Horn x Judy Fincher
x Diana Proud-Madruga . Beth Pumo x Oliver Lawless
x Bob Dieterle . [mailto:] [mailto:]


Provenance Definitions from ISO and NIST

  1. ISO 19153:2014(en), 4.39: Information on the place and time of origin or derivation or a resource (4.40) or a record or proof of authenticity or of past ownership.
  2. ISO 19115-1:2014(en), 4.16: Organization or individual that created, accumulated, maintained and used records.
  3. ISO 13527:2010 "Provenance Information": The information that documents the history of the Content Information. This information tells the origin or source of the Content Information, any changes that may have taken place since it was originated, and who has had custody of it since it was originated. Examples of Provenance Information are the principal investigator who recorded the data, and the information concerning its storage, handling, and migration.
  4. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 4 Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations APPENDIX B PAGE B-17: The records describing the possession of, and changes to, components, component processes, information, systems, organization, and organizational processes. Provenance enables all changes to the baselines of components, component processes, information, systems, organizations, and organizational processes, to be reported to specific actors, functions, locales, or activities.
  5. A Survey of Data Provenance in e-Science, Simmhan, Plale, Gannon: Data provenance is information that helps determine the derivation history of a data product, starting from its original sources. Data product or dataset refers to data in any form, such as files, tables, and virtual collections.[…] Two important features of the provenance of a data product are the ancestral data products from which this data product evolved, and the process of transformation of these ancestral data product(s), potentially through workflows, that helped derive this data product.

PCAST Report to the President on Realizing the Full Potential of Health Information Technology to Improve Healthcare for Americans

  1. The history of the ownership of an object, especially when documented or authenticated. For example, a reference to a type of equipment, standard clinical procedure, attestable content author, data source, provider or other clinical facts
  2. Information about the data’s source and the processing that the data have undergone.
  3. Metadata used to trace and verify the creation of data, how it has been used or moved among different databases, as well as altered throughout its lifecycle.

Other CPs for Review

  • 7568 2015May core #859 - How are agent and activity linked? (Kathleen Connor) None
  • 9407 Align AuditEvent and Provenance action/activity element. Recommend "Provenance.activity". (Kathleen Connor) None
  • 9150 Provenance TODO section cleanup (John Moehrke) None
  • 9151 AuditEvent has TODO section to be removed (John Moehrke) None
  • 9166 Break-Glass method defined doesn't include AuditEvent effect. (John Moehrke) None
  • 9167 AuditEvent needs to make more obvious how to record a break-glass event (John Moehrke) None
  • 9176 Security-Labels page for _confidentialiy points at all "Confidentiality" codes, not just _confidentiality. (John Moehrke) None
  • 9563 Add onBehalfOf to Signature datatype (Kathleen Connor) None
  • 9564 Should FHIR AuditEvent resource include DICOM extension of ATNA Audit log message ? (Madhusudana B Shivalinge Gowda) None


  1. Kathleen chaired. Agenda and Minutes approved by consensus 6-0-0
  2. AuditEvent/Provenance interaction diagram topic - deferred
  3. Discuss addition of standard Provenance definitions in addition to W3C PROV in front matter - of note is the breadth of definitions, some of which are more system oriented vs. workflow oriented.
  • Kathleen will clean up disposed issues in front matter and add section for Provenance standard definitions.
  1. Continued discussion on the AuditEvent.lifecycle and AuditEvent.action codes bound to AuditEvent.
  • OLiver, Diana, and Gary discussed the current status of Lifecycle codes vs an understanding of how these relate to CRUDE.
  • Oliver proposed developing a spreadsheet including both code sets and questions to community about the definitions and whether/what role these play as vocabulary for in AuditEvent.lifecycle and AuditEvent.action vs. Provenance.
  • Oliver will develop draft with input from Diana's Lifecycle/CRUDE spreadsheet and links to v3 DataOperations code system.
  • Kathleen indicated that she plans to submit a CP for a Provenance.entity.provenance to reference the predecessor Provenance records pertinent to the author of a Provenance Resource.
  • John and Oliver suggested that this capability is already available by searching on Provenance Records for the entity using entity version. Problem is that meta/security label changes to FHIR Resources are not versioned, so the author needs to indicate the entity.provenance to which the Provenance Resource author is referring.
  • Meeting adjourned. Need to review action items and continue discussion next week.