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Conference call minutes 15 March 2016
Health Concern Topic
Patient Care WG
March 15th 2016
- Michael Tan – Chair/ Scribe
- David Pyke
- David Tao
- Michelle Miller
- Hank Mayers
- M'lynda Owens
Participation Information Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 943377
Web Meeting Info Meeting number 238 134 748
Minutes 8th March
- There were no remarks about the minutes of March 8th.
- Motion to approve by Hank Mayers, second by Jay Lyle
- Vote: 0 abstain, 0 oppose, 4 approve
Publication Calendar
- Initial material has been sent to Lynn Laakso and is visible in the ballot.
- The final content submission is March 27th.
DAM discussion
- David Tao and Michael Tan has submitted comments. We discussed the comments in the call.
- Most comments were written down in the Word document.
- The concern expresser is visible as an actor, but is not mentioned in the use case diagram.
- Jay explains that the reason is that the expresser is not using a system.
- This is not always the case. In most cases the expresser is a care provider, usually the same person as the author. Arrows will be added.
- The concern custodian does not have a blue bubble in the use case. This should be added.
- The custodian is a specialization of concern modifier.
- A decision was made to use the word "criticality" instead of "severity" to be in line with Allergies.
- A decision was made to remove the VENN diagrams in scenario 1. It does not show any overlap of concerns.
- A decision was made to remove scenario 2. This story does not explain how health concerns are used.
- The comparison in the appendix between the DAM, CCDA and ISO 13940 is not up to date. Certain text from the DAM have been removed and therefor cannot be referenced to from the appendix. Examples are tracking and health concern risks. These texts have to added in the introduction or definition in the DAM.
The revised DAM can be found here File:HealthConcernDAM20160315.docx
Action items
- Export the EA model and material and send to David: Jay
- Propose text about priorities between health concerns: David
- Send the DAM document to Michael before Sunday: David
- Revise text in Patient Journey story chapter 7.1; Michael
- Submit the document for initial content publication on Sunday 13: Michael
- Send a copy to the Patient Care list: Michael
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