Clarification on comments re Biomarker
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Need clarification on comments re Biomarker (row 21)
Current Definition
DEFINITION: A measurable and quantifiable biological parameter which serves as index for health- and physiology-related assessments, such as disease risk, psychiatric disorders, environmental exposure and its effects, disease diagnosis, metabolic processes, substance abuse, pregnancy, cell line development, epidemiologic studies, etc. [Source: adapted from MESH]
EXAMPLE(S): Specific enzyme concentration, Specific hormone concentration, Specific gene phenotype distribution in a population, Presence of biological substances
Ballot Comment
biomarker is currently constrained within the DNA specific context. Therefore, the definition and examples should also be constrained. If desired a note can provide guidance on future intentions.
Current Disposition
Pending Input From Submitter
Proposed Disposition Comment
Need clarification - Is this saying Biomarker in BRIDG is constrained to a DNA-specific context or is it saying that's the case in the CG DAM? The LSDAM Biomarker concept was not necessarily restricted to DNA-specific context. Probably need to get clarification and consult with LSDAM and PGx SMEs to confirm changes.
Outstanding Questions
- Life Science SMEs: Was the LSDAM concept of Biomarker intended to be constrained to a DNA-specific context?
- CG SMEs: Is there a Biomarker concept in a CG model that is restricted to a DNA-specific context?
- Given answers to the above 2 questions, is a change in definition or examples in order?
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