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Conference call minutes 9 February 2016
Health Concern Topic
Patient Care WG
February 9nd 2016
- Michael Tan – Chair
- David Pyke
- Dan Russell
- Hank Mayers
- David Tao
- Russell McDonell
- Lawrence McKnight
Participation Information
Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270
Participant Passcode: 943377
Web Meeting Info Meeting number 238 558 505
Minutes 2 February
- Motion to approve the minutes by Hank Mayers, second by David Tao.
- 1 abstention, 0 against, 5 approve.
- Jay could not be present, but has sent a proposal for the new model in which the concern list and health concern events were adapted according to the motions of February 2nd.
- Discussion arises whether the SOAP boxes should be grayed out to express that they are not in scope of the DAM.
- The annotation in the green box actually is clear enough.
- Motion to discard the SOAP boxes ( Subjective, Objective, Judgement, Intervention) and keep the annotation in the green box.
- Motion moved by Dan, second by David Tao: 0 abstentions, 0 against, 5 in favour.
Action items
- Propose text about priorities between health concerns: David
- Submit the NIB: Michael
- Change allergy and problem lists to concern lists: jay
- Proposal for alternative model diagram with SOAP elements related to the health concern: Jay.
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