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RnP Wednesday, May 27

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Revision as of 19:06, 27 May 2015 by Kboone (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Minutes for May 27 = Attendees: Benjamin Flessner, Jyothi Mallampalli, George Cole, Russ Leftwich, John Snyder, Elitsa Evans, Diana Behling, Brett Marquard, Matt Rahn, Mark ...")
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Minutes for May 27

Attendees: Benjamin Flessner, Jyothi Mallampalli, George Cole, Russ Leftwich, John Snyder, Elitsa Evans, Diana Behling, Brett Marquard, Matt Rahn, Mark Pilley, Keith Boone, Donna Quirk, Thomson Kuhn, David Pyke (Cognaissance), Bonnie McAllister, Zach McQuiston, Vinayak Kulkarni, Dianna Dodd, Lisa Nelson, Julia Skapik, Robert Dieterle, Corey, Dianna Dodd

Presentation Review

We reviewed the project presentation File:RnP.pptx

Engagement Discussion

Who to Engage

Use Past Engagements as an example. Note: CIC is a co-sponsor of this project Make a list of organizations we would like to target:

  • Medical Professional Societies
    • Prioritizing those that have a designated informatics/standards/similar function (staff or committee).
    • e.g., Health Story
  • AMIA
  • CMS
  • Provider Organizations – Referral Coordinators, Care Managers? have Specialist Requirements

ToDo: Create a spreadsheet to capture list of organizations and contacts

What to Engage about

How could most relevant and pertinent be automated?

  • Current/Historical Status
  • Time Frame
  • Sampling Frequency [don’t need to know 4x a day for 6 weeks in hospital]
  • Scope of Practice [inbound and outbound]
  • Reason for Referral/Reason for Visit/Chief Complaint
  • What are the contexts that we should consider? Kind of encounter? Specific to your specialty or of general use?
  • Patient Age and Gender

What Data Elements to Consider

Common MU Data Set vs. Common Clinical Data Set What to do about information not in MU: Record for future dispositioning, not within project scope to address


Qualitative vs. Quantitative: How do we ask questions? Open ended or closed. I suggest open-ended, to be analyzed into computable results. Do we need some concrete use cases for Referral, Transfer of Care, Summary of Care? Need to capture priorities for data, including preferred ordering of information. ToDo: Create a place to capture questions.